The Godson

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The next day, Emily went and got lunch for her and Rossi. When she got back she walked to his office and took a seat. She had been eating lunch with him lately and telling him about how Sophia was doing. He always had a soft spot for Emily and considered her to be like a daughter to him. He of course took on the role of surrogate father and grandfather to the Prentisses.

"So she's doing okay?" Rossi asked.
"I think so. She only missed one lunch in the past month so she's making an effort at least," Emily explained.
"And how are you handling it?" Rossi asked.
Emily gave him a look.
"You come here and we talk about how Sophia is doing. But I'm wondering, how are you handling things?" he asked her sincerely.
She smiled and said,
"Like Sophia, I'm getting there. Some days are better than others."

Out in the bullpen, Garcia and JJ were by Morgan and Reid's desk chit chatting. Suddenly Garcia nudged JJ and nodded towards a handsome looking man walking towards them.
"Who is that?" JJ whispered.
Morgan turned around to face the guy and the man spoke up and asked,
"I apologize for interrupting but do you know where I could find David Rossi?"
Suddenly Sophia walked into the bullpen and made a beeline for Emily's desk but sighed when she wasn't there.
"Where's my mother?" she asked JJ from Emily's desk.
"Her and Rossi are eating lunch in his office," the blonde said.
Sophia nodded, dropped her bag and started walking towards the ramp.
Morgan turned back to the man and said,
"If you follow that girl, you'll get to Rossi's office."
The man nodded and thanked him.
Then he took Morgan's advice and followed Sophia.

Sophia knocked on the office door and when Rossi said come in she did just that and then said,
"My biology teacher is literally the worst."
"Hello to you too," Emily said with a smile as she looked over at the door. Then Daniel walked in behind Sophia and Emily felt her jaw drop.
"Daniel!" Rossi said and got up to greet the guy.
"Uncle Dave, it's been a while," he said and hugged the Italian man.
Rossi put an arm around the man and introduced him.
"Emily, this is my godson, Daniel. Daniel this is-"
"Emily Prentiss," Daniel sighed and looked at the woman with awe.

Just saying her name took him back thirteen years to the last time he saw this woman in person. After what happened between them he never knew where they stood. After she left his room that night he hadn't heard from her. She didn't answer any of his texts and she refused to call him back. He even reached out to her on Sophia's birthday but he got no response.

"Daniel," Emily said quietly.
"Am I missing something?" Sophia asked abruptly and turned to her mother after looking at the stranger in the room. Daniel turned and glanced at the teenager. She was all grown up now.
"Sophia?" he asked hesitantly.
"Yeah?" the girl said quietly. She somehow managed her answer to sound like a question.
"Do you two know each other?" Rossi interrupted to asked as he looked to te others two adults. Prentiss ran her tongue over her lip and all three people in that room knew it was one of her tells.
"We met when I lived in Chicago," Daniel explained.
"The first time or the second time?" Rossi asked.
"The second time?" Emily questioned and looked to Daniel.
"About a year after I moved to Maine, I moved back to Chicago. But when I got back you were gone and you didn't answer your phone so I figured you moved on," he told her.
"I moved here and started working for the BAU," she told him.
Daniel looked at Sophia and then back at Emily. She grew up to be just like her mother. They looked very similar and he couldn't believe the last time he saw her, she was still in diapers. He gave her a funny look.
"I'm sorry, am I supposed to know you or something?" the teenager asked with a confused look.
"When we lived in Chicago, Daniel and I dated. He met you a few times, but you were just a baby," Emily said to her daughter. Sophia nodded slowly and then bit her lip.
"Well, I guess I better you guys catch up. I just wanted to tell you my bio teacher sucked and that I have a test next week," she said awkwardly and started to walk away.
"What are you working on in bio?" Daniel asked before she left.
"The brain," she said with a fake smile.
"If you're having trouble, I'm sure I could help you," Daniel offered.
Sophia raised an eyebrow at him and cocked her head.
"He's a neurosurgeon," Rossi told the girl.
"Ohh," Sophia replied with an embarrassed smile.
"I'll have my mother call you if I need any homework help," Sophia said and then quickly left the room.

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