Episode 1: The Perfect Crime

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"Well done apprentice... You have performed as expected." Slade Stated through the comms as he watched a dark figure emitting a red glow swiftly take down all 7 guards, before grabbing a Green Microchip, "I must say, You've really outdone yourself this time." Slade commented, once more, from his screen with the Red Microchip in his hand.

"Stop Right there!" Robin shouted as He busted through the door to see A dark figure Standing there holding the Green Microchip, as the figure emerged from the shadows it is revealed to be none other than Red X, "Ah, Memories..." X stated as he wasted no time before beginning his assault on The Titan Leader, Though Robin did manage to get in a couple of good hits, his efforts were futile. "What's the matter Kid, You used to put up a fight." X stated pressing his boot down on Robins' Torso. Suddenly, a green bolt of heat energy hit Red X & before he could lift his fists he found himself bound by Ravens' Dark Magic which was crushing his abdomen, "X. Get out of there, NOW!" Slade ordered through the comms as X broke free and kicked Raven to the floor and then leaped over Cyborgs' blast as Robin got back up to continue the fight.

It was Close. As Red X stumbled to the floor in agonizing pain, Robins' staff pressed against his throat, "Hello Robin." Slade stated through the comms, this time allowing those round X to hear his voice, "Sla..." X took the opportunity and blasted Robin with concentrated Xenothium, as he lept back only to be punched to the floor by Raven. Then she knelt down and picked up the Green Microchip before handing it back to the head guard, "What about the delinquent?" the robust man asked, pointing at the unconscious Red X, "He'll be interrogated back at the Tower." Cyborg responded picking him off the ground before putting him over his shoulder.

When they finally arrived back at the tower, X was bound to a chair, They would've tried to unmask him but they'd tried before and his mask has always been bugged. As Beast Boy entered the room he looked shocked to see Raven standing over the bound Red X "Uhh, Raven, why is that kinda hero-villain in the tower. and bound?" He asked concerned, "(groan) What's going on?" X asked finally awake. Raven smirked before kicking the chair over. "You're being interrogated, Red-y X..."Suddenly Slade burst through the window as he untied Red X, Kicking Raven to the floor and breaking Beast Boys' jaw. "Apprentice. To ME!" he boomed as X stood there with Slade's hands firmly gripping his shoulders' as Robin and Cyborg entered. "I thought i told you that if you ever showed your face in jump city again i would take you down," Robin said jumping at Slade only for Red X to grab him and throw him into cyborg just as Raven blocked an attack form Slade with her shields just X jumped in kicking her straight in the face. "Burn in Hell, Demon-girl." X said about to slit her throat when He felt Beast Boys fist hit his face, he was in the form of a gorilla, Inside the mask X could feel the blood compress between the mask and his face as his head pounded before he collapsed to the floor. "Farewell Titans." Slade said grabbing X's wrist as he dived out of the window, as they vanished into the Night... 

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