"I remember when I had all these dolls... aw my favorite Clawdeen and Gigi" I picked up the two dolls and placed them on the stand, while fixing up their hair.

"I like Robecca... she can fly" Ava mickied her flying boots noise and jumped around the room, making her fly around. I smiled at Ava and we both started to play together.


I heard a knock on the door and I look behind me seeing Gabriel standing there with his black suit and a small suitcase. My smile instantly dropped into a frown when I realized what was happening.

"Nice to see you guys playing together... baby I need to go" He kneeled down to my level kissing my lips and then kissed his daughter's head who was busy watching a monster high movie on her Ipad. I extended my arms getting the help of him and I sighed. Even though I wasn't speaking to him as much, I still wanted him to be here.

"Why are you leaving?" I asked and he smile brushing the hair from my face to behind my back.

"Now you're talking to me" I rolled my eyes and he kissed my lips again smiling.

"Where are you going?"

"I'm going to Russia for a meeting with Thomas... the Russian Mafia leader, we're coming up with a plan to stop Chase, he's been messing with the both of us and then hides for days" I nodded my head.

"Be careful please... and text me when you land" I say and he kisses my lips again, before he can leave I remember that I would have to stay with Dalvin and so I pull him back by his arm.

"You're not seriously going to leave me here with him... this meeting can't be done over the phone?" Gabriel placed his hand on my cheek caressing it and shakes his head.

"You need to talk to him eventually baby, I'm not going to ignore your brother because you don't want to talk to him... he's staying here in our home. You guys need the alone time to talk it out anyway. Don't worry I'll be back Saturday night" Gabriel kisses me again and I let go of his arm hesitantly and he leaves the room leaving me with Ava.

"Come on Ava let's take you a bath" She jumps off the bed tiredly and grabs my hand leading me inside her bathroom.


It was currently twelve in the morning, I was sitting down on the sofa on the computer. After spending almost all day yesterday in my room and today I finally had the courage to come down. But only to realize he was in the guest house today from what I was told by Aubrey. I hear footsteps coming closer to the living room and I freeze, the kids were sleeping and it was only me here since Gabriel was on his way back.

"Gaby" Dalvin said behind me and I ignored him and swiped out of the pregnancy website turning off the computer.

"Don't talk to me" I breathed in heavily hearing his footsteps coming around the sofa and he sits down next to me. I continue to swipe through the random websites trying to distract myself from crying but I could feel his eyes staring at me.

"I'm really sorry for everything" I quickly wiped away the lone tear that escaped my eye.

"For what leaving without contacting me for four years or coming to the baby shower unannounced? There's more you need to apologize for" I don't bother looking at him but I hear him sigh in response.

"It wasn't like that at all... I had enlisted in the army a couple of months before our parents died... unfortunately I had to leave that day" He said and I looked at him while biting my lip holding it in.

"Fuck you!... you could have at least told me you were leaving, instead you just disappeared without saying a fucking thing, I was only seventeen at the time Dalvin did you not think at all"

"Gaby w-"

"No let me fucking finish... I had to learn to take care of myself with no money but then I graduated and Jennie let me move in with her... you don't know how hard it was to do it alone!" I stood up knocking the computer off my lap and so did he blocking my way out the living room.

"I understand just please me let explain" Dalvin begged and I sighed sitting back down.

"The day our parents died, the day where I had to leave I went back to the house to tell you. Your stuff was gone already. I couldn't find you anywhere, I tried to call you but it seemed like you changed your number. When I came out the army I had enough money to hire a private investigator... I just had to know if you were okay"

"I thought you just left... the day our parents died... I woke up in the hospital alone" I looked over at him and he had this guilty look on his face.

"I couldn't face you after what happened to them... I'm sorry for not contacting you but you know that I love you Gaby. I never meant to hurt you" He looked over at me teary eyed and I rolled my eyes looking away from my brother.

"Did Jennie stay with you?" He asked and I nodded my head.

"Her parents actually moved all my things into a storage locker before they sold the house... Jennie stayed with me throughout the whole time I was in the hospital"

"I'm really sorry Gaby... I just left you like that when you needed me the most" I held my hands up stopping him from coming closer.

"No.. you need to give me time. You can't expect me to forgive you after four years. Four years is a long time and you're not going to be forgiven that easily" I stood up wiping the running tears down my face and I heard the front door open.

"You cannot use our parents as an excuse for being distant towards me-" I interrupted him.

"You've always acted like this towards me even when they were alive. You treated me like absolute shit, never treating me like a sister but a stranger. I hated you for all my life Dalvin and you knew this so don't act like we were cool before all of this" I took a deep breath in.

"Not once you thought "oh let me see what's up with Gaby". I still hate you because right now, cause all I still see is the old you. Give me time to see that you changed and maybe one day I'll forgive you but until then don't expect me to be nice" I was out of breath and felt the tears falling down my chin and onto my shirt.

I felt hands on my shoulder and I jumped back scared. I turned around seeing Gabriel, I wiped my cheeks quickly and pushed past him trying to hide my face. I was about to head upstairs until I felt a sharp pain hit me on my lower back and I fell onto the floor screaming in pain. I could hear the rapid sounds of footsteps coming towards me and I placed my hand on my back where the pain started.

"Gabriela!" Gabe yelled and kneeled down pulling me into his arms.

"What the fuck?" The pain got stronger and I felt something wet drip down my legs. I looked down seeing the red liquid spilling from shorts and I looked around my vision getting blurry from the blood.

"I'm calling an ambulance" His voice muffled, tired to speak but nothing came out and eventually black dots distorted my vision and I passed out in his arms.

I Don't Care - Ariana Grande

EDITED 12/23/23

LISTENING TO: Lady Of Namek - Tory Lanez

Thank you for reading ❤️
Thank you so much for 40k reads😭

Thank you for reading ❤️DID YOU SEE THE LOONA TEASERS OMG I CANT WAIT😫Thank you so much for 40k reads😭

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