Chapter Eight

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The Lost Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone – Chapter Eight

James Potter

“We need to get some muggle fireworks from elsewhere,” Lily said to James, at the back of their little group “Ever since the time you and Frank got hold of waterproof fireworks I’ve lost my fondness for the wizard type.” Chuckling at her own joke his wife moved away from him and up to the front of the group with her final comment “I’ll get them with after we get Daniel his wand.”

Daniel and the other boys were having fun gawping at the various brightly coloured shops that lined the cobbled street. They don’t have to fear the constant attacks from Death Eaters, James thought, remembering some of the more eventful times he’d had to go shopping after his first visit to the Ally when he was eleven. Another wizarding law introduced during the times of he-who-must-not-be-named – no child under the age of acceptance at Hogwarts is to be allowed entry to Diagon Ally.

The early morning shoppers of the Ally didn’t pay them much attention, too busy getting all their things before the onslaught of daytime shoppers. Even as they walked the short distance into ‘Flourish and Blots’ more people were arriving from the Leaky Cauldron, looking at the street with bleary eyes and coffee scented breath – a state of consciousness that James was all too familiar with.

Entering the bookstore, James wondered at the piles of books that swayed slightly as the door let in a breeze. They won’t fall, he rationalised, but there are some things that magic doesn’t make any easier to walk under. Noticing that Lily and the others had moved over to the far side of the store to talk to one of the shop assistants, James busied himself by looking around at the various other customers in the store.

There were two middle-aged witches giggling at the latest book by Gilderoy Lockhart and a couple of older teenage boys – probably sixth or seventh years – arguing about which of the two books on the introduction to the wizarding world was better. Another family was talking to the other shop assistant – James recognised the mother as one of the better members of the department of magical games and sports. There was a lone boy, shuffling around the edges of the store, he had black hair and pale skin, and walked with a slight limp. Where’re his parents? James was about to go over to the boy to ask the question, when one of the two teenagers approached the boy and murmured something in his ear.

Logically, James thought, it could be the younger cousin of a mature Hogwarts student, he might be new to the wizarding world and his mother had asked his more knowledgeable cousin to show him around. There was something familiar about both the boy and his cousin – had they been to the ministry with one of their parents?

His contemplation of the two people and their strange companion – who looked on with a fond look – was bought to an end when Lily lightly touched his elbow “We’re leaving now,” she said “we have to get new robes for the boys.” He smiled at her and allowed himself to be pulled out of the store and handed three heavy bags full of books.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2015 ⏰

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