Meet the Family

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The Lost Potter II

"Daniel honey, can you come down here please?"

"Yes mum," replied a reluctant voice from up the spiral staircase. The voice was followed by several sluggish footsteps which made the wooden floor of the house creek and groan under their weight. The boy's mother stood at the bottom of the stairs, a look of deep displeasure written on her face, green eyes glaring at her son.

"What," she said holding up a scraggy pair of trousers "Did you do while in these trousers? Roll in the mud?" Her voice had risen two octaves since the beginning of her sentence making Daniel cower before her, trying to explain why his best jeans had been reduced to a tattered muddy mess while she looked at him with a glare that could melt ice and boil water.

"We were playing in the garden with Helena mum. She was trying to get us to go to bed at five last night!" He said looking at his mother with disbelief in his eyes. "Ask her yourself. She was all moody, as usual, and had forgotten we aren't seven anymore! Well, not most of us,” he added sheepishly, remembering his youngest sister had joined in the fray along with the other two.

"I take it by the 'we' and the ‘not most of us’, your siblings joined you in your mischief making?" said his mother not unkindly but still very firmly.

“We didn’t do anyone any harm, I thought it was rather funny really,” said Daniel, he then noticed his mother’s raised eyebrow and stopped smiling “But of course it was totally irresponsible for us to be running around the garden,, not helping Helena with the daily chores.”

Mrs Potter looked at her son with a stern glare “You’re going to have to knuckle down when you get to Hogwarts if you want to do well in school, I know you think that it’s a joke but soon you’ll be studying to improve your future.”

“I still have the summer!” Daniel said with a cheery smile “And Helena always used to say that first years aren’t really given all that much for homework, and George Weasley told me that there really wasn’t that much you really needed to remember in first year other than how to hold your wand and cast a spell correctly!”

“I thought I told you before, first year is the most important year of Hogwarts, you’ll be learning all the basics and the bases for the rest of your schooling Daniel, and remember than I’ll be sending you muggle school work as well to make sure that you keep that up!” His mother frowned at him for a minute longer before adding "Daniel, you know how hard it is to find you a baby-sitter. And don't say that you don't need one. The main complaints we get are all about you and none of the others, their all well behaved, why you can’t just…”

The Lost Potter and the Philosopher's StoneWhere stories live. Discover now