- Love you too. You said and kissed his lips before you left. 

You drove to the doctors, nervous about the results. Once you arrived a doctor led you into a room where another doctor was sitting.

- Hello Mrs Jeon, thank you for coming in such a short notice. He said.

- Of course doctor.

- So we are here to tell you about the test results.

- Is there something wrong doctor?

- No, no, the opposite actually, we were really shocked when we got the tests back considering your diagnosis.

- What do you mean? You asked, confused. 

- Mrs Jeon congratulations. You're pregnant.

- What! I'm pregnant? But you said before that I can't have kids. You asked surprised

- I know and we thought that you couldn't but I guess we were wrong. The chances were extremely small and you're really lucky to get pregnant after your son. He said.

- I can't believe I'm pregnant again. You said and smiled as you placed your hand on your belly.

You knew the timing was really bad consider Jeonsan's state and that your economy was not the best at the moment but you and Jungkook's dream was to have one big family. You felt tears in your eyes as you thought about the new life growing inside of your belly. As happiness filled your body nervousness started to fill it too. You were nervous about telling Jungkook and Jeonsan and Y/D/N, how would they react? Consider the situation we are in right now. Would they be happy or angry?

As you drove home you couldn't hold back the huge smile on your lips. You had texted Jungkook and he told you that they were home now making some dinner. You parked on the driveway and turned off the engine. You sat there getting yourself together before you walked inside. You didn't want Jungkook to get suspicious and start asking a lot of questions because you knew you could never lie to him. YD/N ran up greeting you as you walked inside. You hugged her and then walked towards the kitchen. Jeonsan sat in his highchair and played with his action figure as you greeted him with a kiss on his forehead. He played as he made sound effects with his mouth. Jungkook stood by the stove with his broad back turned towards you while he cooked dinner.

- Hi Kook. You said.

- Hi baby. He turned towards you smiling brightly.

You smiled and kissed his cheek before you started to set the table with plates and glasses.

- What did you mom want help with? He asked.

- Oh you know just something with the house. You said hoping he wouldn't ask more questions.

He opened his mouth to speak further but you interrupted him.

- So what did you guys do when I had to leave? You asked, changing the subject.

- We went to the small lake and fed the ducks. Y/D/N said happily.

- Oh really? You asked.

- Ye eomma, fun, fun. Jeonsan said, clapping his hands in excitement.

You laughed and sat down on a chair. Jungkook placed the food on the table and Jeonsan's food on his highchair and then everyone began eating the delicious food Jungkook had cooked.

(A week later)

It's been a week since you found out that you were pregnant. You started to feel more symptoms and you threw up a lot. Jungkook asked you about it but you just said that it was a stomach bug or something. You haven't told anybody about the miracle pregnancy and you waited for the perfect moment. But the perfect moment had to be soon because you were having your first appointment next week and you wanted Jungkook to come. Today Jeonsan was getting an x-ray so the doctors could see how his bone marrow was healing and other stuff. They were also going to give him his chemotherapy today.

Jungkook was waiting for you to get ready so the three of you could leave for the hospital. Y/D/N was at school and Jeonsan was sleeping peacefully in Jungkook's arms. You wore a blue shirt with black jeans and Jungkook wore a white t-shirt with blue jeans. When you were done you walked downstairs and the three of you headed to the hospital.

At the hospital they gave Jeonsan his drop of medication and after a few hours he was ready for x-ray. The doctors led you to the room and got him ready. If you and Jungkook wanted to be inside you had to wear special clothing but it was one problem. You couldn't be inside if you were pregnant because it could be dangerous for the baby. Jungkook looked at you suspiciously when he noticed that he was the only one wearing the special clothing. He knew that you would never miss to be there for your son so he was really surprised when he saw you walk outside. He followed you outside of the room and closed the big white door.

- Why aren't you in there? Jungkook asked once he had walked outside.

- I didn't feel like being inside today, I will just wait here until it's over. You said.

- But you have never missed being inside to support our son.

You sighted knowing that you couldn't fool him nor lie, he knew you too well, he could read you like an open book.

- Well I'm not allowed to be in there. You said as a smile spread across your face.

- What do you mean?

- I can't be inside of that room while they do an x-ray.

- The only reason why people are not allowed in there is if they are pregnant....

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