sad moments

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Barry Allen =

A sad moment is when he acts as if he is lying to you all the time, about his delay in meetings, about when he says it hurts even though you know he isn't, you have told him several times that what he wants  whatever he could tell you that you wouldn't tell anyone.

Y / N: Barry, you know you can count on me for everything, so tell me what you hide so much.

Barry: Sorry S / N, but I can't, I just can't.


Cisco Ramon =

A sad moment is when he spends a lot of time in the STAR Laboratory, most of the time he deselects any appointment with you to go to the Laboratory, you always ask him what he does so much there, you didn't want to be a boring girlfriend, but there were moments  that you just couldn't take it anymore.

Y / N: Again, do you want to cancel our date?

Cisco: Sorry S / N, but I have to go to the S.T.A.R Laboratory.

Y / N: As always ...


Hartley Rathaway =

A sad moment is when he spends most of his time fixing his glove, you wanted to spend more time with your boyfriend, you even asked if he wanted you to help with the glove, after all you also understood these things, but he never let you.

Y / N: Hartley, don't you want help there?  I can help you with something.

Hartley: No Y / N, I can do everything myself.

Y / N: Okay, so ...


Jay Garrick =

A sad moment is when he doesn't want to help Barry get Zoom, he always says that this will end up killing Barry, you've tried everything but it never worked.

Y / N: Are you sure you don't want to help Barry?

Jay: Y / N, we've already talked about it, and my answer will always be the same.

Y / N: Okay, I'll stop this.


The end

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