Chapter 2

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* H E R O *

I run back to my room and I slam the door shut. I scream. Who the hell does she think she is?! Josh probably ended things and now she thinks she can come running back to me. I'll be damned if I'll be her second choice! God, she's so infuriating. She was a year ago when I met her and I should have left it at that. But no, she triggered something in me and I was dying to know more. And now I'm in this mess. Why aren't things ever easy? I pace back and forth in my room. I need to calm down before I break something. I really want to break something. Most of all I want to know what's going on inside that mind of hers.

A while later there is a hesitant knock on the door.

"Hero?" Lizzie asks with a small voice. Great now I have scared a pregnant woman. I open the door and Lizzie stares at me with big eyes.

"Are you okay?" She asks. "I know it's a stupid question but I honestly don't know what to say instead." She gives me an apologetic smile.

"I.. I don't know. I feel so trapped inside this room."

"Let's go for a walk," Lizzie suggests. "Some fresh air might do you some good and might clear your head a bit."

"I don't know.." I hesitate. I don't want to go for a walk because I don't want to see people. They've seen the scene with Charlotte and I don't want to give them more to gossip about.

Lizzie wraps her small hand around mine. I know she understands my dilemma.

"Come on," she nudges. "You look like you want to break down your room."

I smile because she knows me so well.

I let her guide me downstairs. My eyes are pinned to the ground. I don't look up because I don't want to face anyone. I just stare at my feet and Iet Lizzie guide me. Jack joins our walk. They both stay silent which I appreciate. They're just here to support me. I feel a tiny bit uncomfortable because they're Charlotte's friends too and they're here with me. I didn't expect that. Jack and Lizzie have always been Charlotte's best friends. Her support system. Before we started dating, it was always the three of them together. And now they have left her side to be with me.

We reach the lake and I try my best not to break down.

"Damn, this is such a mess." My voice is trembling and I hate it.

"Why didn't you just tell her, Hero?" Jack asks.

"Why would I? From the first second she jumped to the wrong conclusion. I really believed she trusted me after everything we went through last year but she obviously didn't." They don't give me an answer and I continue.

"You would trust Jack wouldn't you?" I direct this question to Lizzie.

"I really hope I never have to see a naked girl open his door but yeah, I'd trust him," she sighs.

I smile triumphantly. See! I was right!

"But Jack and I have a totally different relationship. After what happened last year between you and Melany it's kind of normal that Charlotte reacted the way she did."

I stare at her.

"To be fair, Hero, you were also completely jealous when she met Josh," Jack adds.

"Ha! I was right wasn't I?! They liked each other! What I don't get is why he would chase her like that and then dump her in the blink of an eye."

"What?" Lizzie says. She scowls at me. "You can't really think that's what happened!"

I stare at her again and I start to feel uneasy. I start pacing again just to do something.

Was Charlotte telling the truth?

"You're such an idiot, Hero! Charlotte dumped him. For the record, everything she said was true. She dumped him and they never had sex."

I stare at the water now. Shit.

"Oh, well, doesn't change the rest of it," I shrug.

Lizzie rolls her eyes.

"Boys are so stupid!" She says throwing her hands in the air.

She walks away.

"I better follow her," Jack says. "See you tomorrow."

He pets me on the back and leaves.

I stare at the sky. Damn, Charlotte was telling the truth. She did dump Josh and they never had sex. I wonder why... Maybe I should have let her explain. I still can but I'm not in the mood for another fight tonight. Maybe I'll let it cool for a couple of days and then ask her why she didn't have sex with Josh.

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