"Yeah Yeah I'm fine." I said and drove out of the school parking lot.

Hailey's POV:

The girls all went to school. I decided for today to talk with Anne and James first about my companies and then about how I can help them.

So we were in their office talking about it.

"So Hailey let's get down to business. You already know your choices. I will now tell you what I would do but it of course is your decision." James started off. I think I already know what I will do.

I nodded for him to continue.

"So the merging thing could either go great or bad. It could be that people would dislike it. In fact your parents were kind of seen as rivals even though they were married. Or people who are against one company would maybe see it as better because the other is included now." He paused. I took in the information. It's exactly what I was thinking.

"So that's why merging wouldn't be my choice. However selling one of the companies wouldn't be a choice for me either. Leaving you with the choice to try and run both. That's what I would do. I'm sure you favor one of the companies. That would be your main focus and the other would be run by someone else but it's still completely yours." He finished.

Now that would be my choice normally. But I will probably merge with their company to help them. Like one of the companies I own will merge with them.

"You've made great points. I'm torn between 2 options. I will tell you after we've discussed a different matter." I started of.

Anne looked confused and James did as well.

"I have learned everything as you know. So I also know that you've encountered problems and are losing more and more money." I said. They looked now kinda sad and... embarrassed? That's nothing to be embarrassed of.

"So I wanna help you." I said. They looked at me weirdly.

"Hailey dear, that is very thoughtful but it's our problem you don't need to deal with that." Anne said. I shook my head.

"Yeah you don't need to deal with my PTSD as well but you still do. Consider that a thank you." I said.

"Hailey we can't accept that." James said.

"You know it's the least I could do. Do you even realize how much you helped me? You two are the parents I never had. James, you were the one who taught me how to repair a car even though I was only 11. Anne, you taught me how to cook. You guys did more for me than my parents ever did. It's not like I care about their companies. I'm grateful that I don't need to worry about money and a job but that's the only thing they ever did for me." I finished. They both had tears in their eyes.

They both hugged me and thanked me a lot.

After we hugged for a few minutes James spoke up.

"Well... how do you plan on helping us?" He asked. And I knew exactly how to answer.

"Well you guys can choose. You can either take one of their companies. Or merge with on of them. Which I wouldn't recommend. Or I could just invest in your company which would probably prompt a lot of other companies to do the same." I finished.

Not to brag but by the way my companies are now the biggest in this state.

Anne and James seemed to think.

"If it's alright with you it'd be great if you'd invest. I don't think it's smart to take on of your companies. And merging really could go wrong." Anne said.

"I would have chosen the same." I said.

So I finished it all and invested a lot in them.

After that James spoke up again.

"So what are you gonna do?" He said referring to the companies.

"Well my main focus will be my father's company. Mainly because my grandma is the one who made it one of the best. So in honour of her I will keep it great. My mother's company will still be run by the people who are in charge right now. They do a great job and I know them." I said.

They smiled at me.

"You're a great kid Hailey. I hope you know that." James said.

I hugged them again.

"So now I wanna ask you something I've been dying to know." James said excitedly.

I raised one eyebrow in question.

"Are you in love with Alexia?" He asked smirking. Anne smirked as well. Runs in the family I guess.

My eyes widened at the question.

"Uh..." I didn't know how to answer.

"I knew it! Don't worry Hails we'd be over the moon when you two get married." Anne said.

I choked on air. Married?

"Oh look she is all flustered." James teased.

That's all they did on the way back home. Tease me.

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