"I'm sure it's nothing, love. Everything will be fine." He said softly.

"Thank you." Hermione replied, almost whispering.

Luna put the transducer on Hermione's abdomen, moving it around slowly. All three of them watched the black and white picture on the screen, waiting for the baby to appear.

Finally, a small shape appeared, the top looking a bit like a round head.

"There they are." Luna said, grinning.

Hermione and Draco both breathed a sigh of relief as they watched the little thing on the screen. It was tiny, only about the size of a prune according to Luna, but it was probably the most beautiful thing either of them had ever seen.

Hermione's eyes watered at the sight, and she turned to look at her husband. His face had the biggest smile on it, and his eyes were glassy.

"Look, Draco." She said, pointing. "It's our baby."

"It really is." Draco gasped, grinning at his wife as he stood next to her. "I can't believe it."

The couple stay fixed on the sonogram picture, while Luna moved the transducer around a bit, a slight frown appearing on her face.

"You've had one ultrasound before this, to check the baby's heartbeat, correct?"

"Yes." Hermione replied, still smiling.

"And there was a heartbeat?"

"Yes." Hermione tore her eyes from the screen. "Why?"

Draco now looked down from the screen and at Luna, slightly confused. "Is everything alright?"

Luna looked down for a moment, and then back up at the couple.

"I can't find a heartbeat."

It was as if a knife had just stabbed her in the heart. Hermione's eyes filled with tears as she met Luna's gaze.


Luna moved the transducer a bit more and sighed, taking it off of Hermione's stomach and looking up at her former classmate. Her heart broke at the despair in the brunette's face.

"I'm sorry, Hermione but...your baby no longer has a heartbeat."

"Does that mean that she had a..." Draco spoke up, voice raw. Luna had never seen him so close to crying.

"A missed miscarriage, yes." Luna answered softly.

"No..." Hermione whispered, tears falling down her cheeks. "Please."

Draco could do nothing but hold her as she began to shake, kissing her head as he tried to contain his own tears. Not even half an hour ago, they were going to be parents. And now, their precious child was gone.

Luna watched the couple sadly, slowly cleaning the gel off and pulling Hermione's shirt down. She reached out and squeezed Hermione's hand after she finished. She may have been at her job, but Hermione had always been a good friend of hers. She couldn't bear to imagine how she felt at that moment.

After a few minutes, Hermione quieted down a bit and looked back up at Luna.


Luna took a deep breath. "Missed miscarriages often don't have a sole reason for happening, although it is said that about 50% of them are because the embryo doesn't have the right number of chromosomes. But, all we really know is that, unfortunately, they are just a natural thing that happens to some people."

Hermione nodded, looking down at her hands.

"You just have to remember, it is no one's fault." Luna added. "Sometimes things happen that no one can control, not even magic."

dramione oneshots :)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora