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"words like i love you lack love and that's why i let you go."



"h-heeyoung, calm d-down." hyunjae whispered as he whimpered at the pain in his side, almost crying.

heeyoung screamed as she thrashed the room, throwing vases around until they hit the wall and the shards flew out into different directions.

"heeyoung!" hyunjae finally yelled, tears escaping from his eyes. heeyoung turned to him with enraged, wild, inhumane eyes, breathing heavily.

then, she suddenly collapsed on the floor.

sobs stuttered and her body shook as she cried into her hands, staring at a bleeding hyunjae.

"w-who hurt you?!" heeyoung yelled, going to hyunjae and pulling him close.

barely getting any air, hyunjae held her face and whispered, "call the ambulance."

the last thing he heard before blacking out were heeyoung's loud screams.

. . .

"hyung's moving!"

eyes still closed, hyunjae moved his fingers around, trying to grasp something.

"hyunjae! can you hear me?" he heard someone calling out. meekly, hyunjae managed to open his eyes, only to shut them back again, wincing.

"slowly. open your eyes slowly, take your time," he heard another voice speaking to him, a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "there you go, slow and steady."

hyunjae opened his eyes, with accordance to the doctor's instructions. the first thing that greeted him was a white, numbing ceiling.

when he turned his head, his eyes connected to a pair of eyes that were so similar to sunwoo's.

sunwoo's mother.

"how are you feeling, dear?" the woman asked, stroking hyunjae's hair softly.

hyunjae opened his mouth and managed to rasp out, "terrible."

sunwoo's mother sighed sadly as she continued stroking his head.

"ma'am! we have an emergency patient in room 126!" a nurse peeked her head in the room and informed the doctor urgently.

"i want another nurse in here, check in on the patient's conditions." the doctor commanded, before turning to sunwoo.

"i'll be back in a while," she said to her son before turning to hyunjae. "don't move too much, jae. your body is still weak. i'll come and check in on you after a while." she pat his head before rushing out of the room with the nurse.

hyunjae sighed and closed his eyes, stilling his lips in a straight line.

"hyunjae," sangyeon called out softly, standing beside him. "you should break it off with her, please."

"we can't bear to see you like this anymore, hyung," juyeon joined, looking at his hyung sadly. "break up and file a case against her. she can't get away with this."

hyunjae sighed again, pursing his lips. with much effort, he rasped out, "her father's a lawyer. i can't even think about filing a case against her," he went back to staring at the ceiling. "though i lost feelings for her a long time ago."

the atmosphere in the room was down and tense, the boys couldn't bare seeing one of their eldest and smiliest members lying dully in a hospital bed.

"i wish i could go back," hyunjae whispered, closing his eyes. "i wish i listened to you sooner. i was so blind back then," he sniffed. the members in the room expressed a face full of shock when they realized he was crying. "my life goal itself was to get her for myself."

"hyung..." eric mumbled, holding one of hyunjae's hands. the younger one's eyes pooled in tears.

hyunjae, upon spotting eric on the verge of crying, manages to rasp out a small chuckle, hissing in pain soon after. he held eric's hand just as tight. "i'm fine, eric. don't worry about me," he grunted in pain before closing his eyes again. "i'll make it out, somehow."

he opened his eyes, letting his tears slip freely.


. . .

word count - 626.
did you all like this chapter? the chapters in this book won't be very long—around 600-800 words or 800-1000 words.
hope you all liked this chapter! :D

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