"Who are you reading about?" a friendly voice said, walking up to her.

"Aqua Girl. She had a water quirk like mine, but she died really young protecting a citizen from a big villain."

"Oh," Tsukamoto replied, looking at her carefully.

"It's a shame really, there's always stories of young heroes getting too big for their boots and trying to beat a villain obviously much stronger than them. She should have just saved herself."

"I don't think that's true," he said suddenly.

"What do you mean?"

"She died saving a civilian. She died doing what heroes do, how could she have called herself a hero if she had left the person and run away to save her skin?"

"I-" she tried to speak, once again at a loss for words.

She was cut off by the tour guide.

"Students, follow me, we need to finish up her to make it to the final room."

A few students instantly starting walking whilst the others slowly followed afterwards.

The final room was a large square-shaped room of all the top heroes since the dawn of heroism. There weren't too many of them, just the most famous of them that had protected Japan with their incredible power. To be displayed in this room, you had to be the best of the best.

She passed the different displays, reading about familiar heroes that she'd heard of. Names like Endeavour, Hawks and Ground Zero were not hard to miss. They'd been praised years after they had passed for all their great deeds and sacrifices.

Moving onto the next display, she noticed a picture of a smiling teenager with messy green hair. Weird. She'd heard of this hero, and he had definitely lived past being a teenager, so why would he choose this picture as the one to be shown to hundreds of thousands of people years later? Most heroes who got into this room got onto these displays before they died, so they could choose their images. Why not choose a heroic photograph of himself to show off to the world?

As she continued to read the board, she heard a crash coming from somewhere. Whipping around her head, she watched in shock as all the doors around the room slid to a close by themselves and the lights turned off.

Above them, areas of the glass, peaked ceiling smashed into pieces as what looked like a group of hooded people wearing black masks floated to the ground. One of them pushed their hands in front of them and suddenly their fingers meshed into many ropes that flew around the room and tied themselves around all the students and the tour guide, before dragging them to the centre of the room.

"Hey, what the hell! Let us go," shouted a boy from 1A.

"Be quiet, before I cut you in half with my ropes, and don't even try using your quirks, we've already blocked them temporarily," said the one holding the ropes.

"Quiet, Number Three, now isn't the time for petty threats," the tallest one said, maybe the leader of their group.

"Sorry," the man mumbled.

"Now, let's see. The hero-course of UA High, top-tier students who made it into such a prestigious school, couldn't even save yourselves from some ropes. How pathetic."

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