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When we arrived at the entrance of Grimmauld place, the door was wide open to let us in. We entered it and were immediately greeted by Harry.

"So nice to have you all here, Hermione, Ron and Ginny are already inside" said Harry.

"Hey Harry, we met at Seamus' wedding. I'm Evelyn" he shook my hand and smiled,

"I hope you'll be staying with us, the more the merrier" he grinned.

I noticed that he was a lot different now than he was in school. He used to be a lot more serious back at Hogwarts.

"Thank you for letting me join"

"Nonsense, in fact, have you met Sirius yet?" he asked.

"Sirius Black?" I asked.

"Yes, he's my godfather"

Sirius Black the mass murderer was Harry's godfather? I vaguely remembered an article from the Daily Prophet in which it stated that Sirius was not a murderer at all, he had been falsely accused.

"No, I haven't met him" I said.

Harry led me into the living room where everyone talked and laughed merrily, everyone except for Fred who was yet again standing in a corner. I noticed that George kept glancing at him while talking to Ginny.



"Did you meet Fred?" I asked.

"No, not yet, how is he?"

"I'm not very sure, but be gentle with him" I said.

"I'll go and meet him right away" said Harry, disappearing from my side and walking over to Fred. I smoothened down the crinkles on my blouse and made my way to the man with long, curly black hair, standing in the kitchen along with Mrs. Weasley.

"Molly, are you absolutely sure that it's cooked?" he looked distastefully at the pot boiling on the stove.

"Yes, I know what I'm doing Sirius" she said, annoyed.

"Let me help-"

"No, I've got it, why don't you go to Arthur"

"Kicking me out of my own kitchen" grumbled Sirius under his breath.

He turned around and immediately saw me, his eyes widening just like they did back when he saw me at the wedding.

"Hello, I'm Evelyn, a friend of Fred and George's" I smiled, outstretching my hand.

"Sirius Black, pleasure" he smiled shaking it, "you remind me a lot of someone" he said.

That's why he kept looking at me like that.

"May I ask who?"

"Caroline Hyde, she was this girl in my year" he said.

"She was my mother! Caroline Hyde was my mother, you knew her?" I said excitedly.

Sirius' eyes widened once again, it was quite comical.

"No way! She was your mother? Never thought the day would come where I would meet Caroline's daughter"

I didn't know what he meant by that.

"Yea well here I am" I said.

"I'm sorry for your loss" he said after a few moments.

"It's alright, I miss her, but she's in a better place now" I said.

I felt a small connection with Sirius because he knew my mother, what else could he tell me about her? There was so much I wanted to know, so many questions I wanted to ask him. What was she like in school? What did she like to do as a kid?

Dusk - A George Weasley fanficWhere stories live. Discover now