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The weeks rolled by and before I knew it, Christmas was around the corner. The temperature had started to drop and as usual, I had a terrible cold. I was never very good with cold weather. I was also very excited -and a little nervous- to meet the Weasleys. Back in Hogwarts, I was always intrigued by the large family of redheads. I only knew George, Fred, Ron and Percy. I had seen Mr. and Mrs. Weasley on several occasions but I had never spoken to them.

With a flourish of my wand, I pulled out a small, dusty duffel bag from the loft. George said that Mrs. Weasley wanted me to stay there for a couple of days. I opened my cupboard and pulled out a small bundle of clothes that I had decided to take with me along with other essentials. Once I was done packing, I went downstairs to get some breakfast before leaving.

"All packed?" asked granddad.

"Yep, I really wish you could come with me" I sighed.

"I do too, but duty calls"

"On Christmas too?"

"I'm afraid so, but when you're back, we can go to that ice cream place you love" grandpa smiled. He remembered. He always took me there when I was little.

"Ice cream in this weather?" I shook my head with a smile.

"That never stopped you before" he said.

I was glad to see that grandpa had started talking to me more since the funeral, maybe work keeping him busy wasn't such a bad thing after all.

"You're right" I poured myself a bowl of cereal.

"How come you're not spending Christmas with the Malfoys?" he asked.

This was the exact question I had been dreading.

"I'm not the biggest fan of Lucius"

"But shouldn't you make an effort to get to know your boyfriend's parents?" he said reasonably.

"I know I know but I couldn't turn George down, besides, Draco and I spend all the holidays together, it's okay to change things up a bit this year" I said.

He nodded before going back to reading the Daily Prophet.



"If Draco asks-"

"I'll tell him you're with a friend" he finished for me.

"Thank you" I said quietly.

"I'm not very happy about lying to him" he grunted.

"Sorry, I promise it's the last time" I grinned before kissing the top of his head, bidding him goodbye and disapparating to the joke shop.

When I reached there, George was closing down the shop and Fred stood in the snow, his hands behind his back.

"Any help?" I asked, clutching my bag in my left hand.

"Nope, I'm just about done here" he said, using his wand to activate the lock charms. We waited for him to finish locking up.

"Hi Evie" he turned around once he was done.

"Hey, thanks so much for inviting me to this" 

"Not at all" he grinned. George cheeks and nose were pink from the cold and small dots of snow dusted his eyelashes. His brown eyes flit over the shop one last time before he walked towards me and Fred and grabbed us both by the arms.

After a few seconds, I found myself in front of a tall, wooden house.

"Welcome to the Burrow" said George, pushing the door open.

Dusk - A George Weasley fanficWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu