
6.3K 158 122

Bold = Dialogue
Underline = Time skips or POV
Italics = Thinking
Normal = Talking

Thurd POV

A large truck enters a large building out in the middle of nowhere. When the truck comes to a stop two men walk out fully armed. One opens the back door to reveal two human like things.

??:They finally arrived

Guard:Now what sir?

??:We take them and put them into separate containment rooms

Guard:Yes sir!

The guards grabbed the humanoid creatures and took them to the containment rooms. Just as they put the shorter one of the two into it's containment room and were taken the taller one to it's own, it woke up.

Guard:What the?!

The creature bit the guard causing him to fall as the creature growled.

???:Where is he?

Guard:It can talk?!


One of the guards quickly calls for back up but the line gets interrupted.

??:Put them in together

Guard 2:But sir!

??:Are you disobeying my orders?

Guard 2:No sir!

??:Then put them in together

Guard 2:Yes sir!

Guard:What is taking back up so long?!

Guard 2:Boss wants us to put them together



Guard:We'll show you!

The creature growled before following the two guards.

Guard 2:I thought they said they would be asleep for 24 hours but it's only been 10 hours!?

Guard:Yeah same

Soon the three made it to the containment room. One of the guards opened the door and motion for the creature to go in which it did after growling at them.

Darryl POV

Me, George and Nick got a call in to watch over two SCP's.

George:You guys ready?



We slowly walked over to the containment security room and entered.

Nick:Let's check there files



File 1

Item: SCP 5526-1

Object class: Keter

SCP Dream and SkeppyKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat