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Well, an almost empty warehouse.

In the centre of the room, a large weapon full of some unknown substance sat. It matched the blueprints perfectly: the bomb. But where were the others? Four other markings in the floor indicated that they had been here before and yet now they were gone.

"Shouldn't there be more?" Someone enquired but they received no answer. We were all too shocked.

"Hey, the VISORs are gone!" Someone reported outside. "They must have realised its over!"

Cheers and celebrations travelled into the warehouse but none of us inside said anything. This definitely wasn't right.

"Does anyone know what Lucas' announcement was? The one we interrupted?" I asked to anyone.

"No, we didn't check. Just thought it was a good opportunity to broadcast our own agenda," Rachel replied.

"Well this can't be a coincidence," someone else chipped in.

"What do we do then?" I asked.

"We see if it's true," Rachel announced. "I'll send a group out to search the city for any VISORs. If they are indeed gone, we'll set up some defences and declare Jiona as free!"

Regardless of the current circumstance, hearing those words sounded amazing. We were finally free.

"The group can go immediately," Rachel continued, "But it won't consist of any of you so you best go and get some rest. It's been a long day and we have all worked tirelessly. We can celebrate tomorrow."

I had to admit, that sounded amazing although the rebellion wasn't over yet. Still, I had to exercise great self-control to stop myself running into Harleen's arms.

"Oh Verity?"


"I was wondering. Well I was wondering, if you might want to come back to my room with me and maybe we can celebrate a little earlier?"

I stared into Rachel's hopeful eyes and her warrior scar. She looked so happy but so scared at the same time and yet I didn't know what to say. Had I really gotten over what she had done to me? Did I trust her? Did I want to? What about Harleen?

"Oh well, I uh..." I stammered and couldn't get an answer out.

"No its okay if you don't want to! I just thought... it was stupid... I shouldn't have asked. I'm just gonna go."

She hurried off into the crowd. The entire flood of people was retreating back to a warm shower and bed which made it impossible to get through to Rachel.

"Rachel, wait!" I called after her but I knew it was way too late.

Confused, I just stood there in the warehouse before making my own way back to my room.

The hot water felt amazing as it ran down my tensed back and muscles. I could never have understood just how much I needed this. Just like I didn't understand what on Terra I was doing. Truly, I loved both Harleen and Rachel but I every time I did anything with either of them I felt like I was betraying them. Lying to them. With every second that passed, I was just hurting them further and yet I was too cowardly to do anything about it.

I stayed in the shower until the water ran cold at which point I got out and just sat there shivering in my towel, lost in my thoughts. A knock at the door, brought me back to reality and I found myself just as apprehensive as in the warehouse when I realised that I didn't have a clue who it was. Slowly, I opened the door and Harleen stepped into my room.

"You didn't come back," she stated.

"Oh, sorry, I just needed a shower. Did you hear what happened in the warehouse?" My attempt at changing the subject was poor but was also the best I could manage right now.

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