But at least I got my mom's eyes, the same eyes that I got from Grandad.

Unfortunately for me, in addition to the brown hair, I also got my father's uncanny ability to blush at every waking moment of the day.

Someone compliments me, I blush, even if it's my mom.

Someone makes fun of me, I blush, even if it doesn't bother me.

Someone says something remotely embarrassing, I blush, even if I don't care.

"Connor," my mom sighed. "What are you doing here?"

"Just waiting for your lovely husband to get off his ass and get ready so we can leave," he replied cheekily, grinning at my mom.

"Language," I mocked in a childish voice. They both ignored me.

Mom frowned, before sighing. "I thought I asked you guys to watch Allison today, so Kelly and I could have a girls night out with Lori and Madison." Aunt Lori was dating Uncle Jay, and Aunt Madison was currently engaged to Uncle Edi. Thank god too, Madison and Edi have been dating for almost as long as I have been alive, 15 and a half years, and Jay had been crushing on Lori for years before he got the balls to ask her out.

"But Scott and I were going to go scout at a highschool game for some players," Connor whined, pouting.

Aka, Dad and Con wanted to get out of babysitting duty.

"Why do you have to be there?" Mom shot back, a brow raised. "Last I checked, you don't play hockey."

"I still know a lot; I've grown up with a hockey player, remember?"

"Connor," Mom deadpanned, "you get kicked out of almost every game. I'd be surprised if you knew anything." Uncle C just shrugged, grinning largely.

"Connor please," she sighed. "We've had this planned for ages. I'm pretty sure whoever you're scouting can wait a week until the Marlies look at him. Even though they are supposed to try out, not be recruited." She muttered the last part under her breath. I snorted in amusement.

My mom and dad were the main coaches for the Marlies Minor League hockey team. After Mom and Dad got married, two years before having me, Grandad retired in the hockey business and passed it on to my parents. Dad had just retired from playing with the Leafs after a busted knee injury that wouldn't allow him to play another season. After weeks of him being depressed about the ordeal, he decided that he was ready for the whole next step:


"Mom," I interjected at the same time that Connor whined Elle, "I'm old enough to not need a babysitter. And do you really think Uncle Connor is qualified for the job?"

Mom opened her mouth to answer, before closing it with a frown.

"Hey!" Connor injected, with a pout. "I am perfectly capable of watching an almost 17 year old for a couple of hours!"

"Connor," Mom rolled her eyes. "You were screaming about a serial killer 20 minutes ago."

Uncle Con frowned, looking rather dejected. " ...'Snot my fault your daughter practically broke in with steam coming outta her ears," he mumbled, glaring at the floor.

I almost felt bad... expect it was Connor, so I didn't.

"Did not!" I snapped, suddenly remembering why I came in so pissed off in the first place.

My mom turned to face me with a raised brow, and suddenly my cheeks flushed. Damn you blush, can't you go away and never come back?

"Maybe I did," I finally admitted, ignoring Connor's smug smirk as he watched. "But I had a good reason to."

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