Chapter 11

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Hey guys! I've been wanting to introduce changing PoV and I'm going to do it starting in this chapter. YAY!! Happy reading!


Jess PoV

"So how long have you been in town?" I asked Lucas on the way home.

"Only a day," Lucas replied, "I could have chosen to start school later in the week, but I really didn't feel like unpacking all day."

"So," I started, "I take it nobody has taken you around to kinda see the place?"

"No," he responded, "All I've seen is the school and the things out the window on the way there. But honestly that was kinda blurry. There is a lot less traffic here than in London."

"Yeah," I commented, "We're kind of a small town. C'mon! We're gonna take the long way home. I'm gonna show you around!" We walked to main street, which has all of the shops and restaurants and other places. I felt like one of those bus drivers who feels the need to describe every last detail of every place they pass.

"And this is the ice cream shop." I said as we passed it.

"You know I've never been to one of those," he told me.

"Really?" I asked, "You've, never been to an ice cream shop?"

"No," he replied, "If I wanted ice cream, my mum would take me to the grocery store to get a tub of it. She avoided going in public too often. She doesn't really fancy normal people much. She is a little intense. She stays inside as much as possible."

"Well," I began, "You're going now. Come on!"

"Ok," he smiled. We walked in and there was no Iine.

"I've never even heard of some of these kinds before," he said in awe.

"Yeah," I told him, "They make their own flavors." We ordered and sat down.

"So if your mom hates going out in public so much, you've never been like bowling or been to the movies or stuff like that?" I asked.

"No," he explained, "I think I went bowling once with my dad when I was little, but Mum yelled at him because she didn't want me to get used to being around normal people. That was before she realized that I had to go to regular school. Dracovir don't have special schools because every kid just goes to regular schools."

"Well get ready," I said, "Because we are going to do it all. I don't care how long it takes."

"That sounds......" I started tuning him out. I couldn't believe what I saw. Alex walked in with another girl. He put his arm around her. I didn't know whether to hide, or to walk over and slap him. My face became hot and my chest hurt.

"What is he doing here with her?" I mumbled to myself under my breath.

Alex PoV

"What is she doing here with him?" I whispered to myself. I saw Jess and Lucas sitting across the room when Haley, my mom's old friend's daughter, and I entered the ice cream shop. I couldn't believe this. She was on a date with the new kid. I'll admit it, I was jealous, but two could play at that game. She saw me and I put my arm around Haley.

"What are you doing?" she asked, "I thought you said you had a girlfriend."

"I do," I told her, "She's sitting right over there with the new kid at school and I want to make her jealous."

"Ok," she laughed.

"What's so funny?" I asked her.

"That you have to make your girlfriend jealous," she laughed some more, "It' kinda pathetic." I didn't care what she thought. I wanted to make Jess jealous so that she would stop hanging out with that British, girlfriend-stealing jerk. Even if this was the only way I could keep a girl, at least I would be keeping a girl.

Jess PoV

He was being more of a gentleman with her than he ever was with me. He pulled out her chair and carried her ice cream for her. I was so mad.

"Hey Lucas," I started, "Will you do me a favor? It's a long story, but my boyfriend is over there, and I need to make him Jealous because he's with another girl. So will you pretend we're on a date?"

"I guess so," he replied.

"Thanks," I thanked him, "Now, brush my hair behind my ear." He did. Alex's face was beet red. I smiled and giggled. He freaked out.

Alex PoV

Lucas brushed Jess' hair behind her ear so I did the same to Haley. When I did, my finger knocked her necklace out of her shirt. My jaw dropped to the floor.

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