Chapter 27 - Arrows and Egos

Start from the beginning


Everyone continued to shoot for the next few hours on the archery range. In the end you don't know if you had impressed Gladio or not. For after awhile you were just enjoying the fun of shooting again. You continued to give Noctis pointers as you continued to hit your target. He chuckled a couple times though when you were slightly off, but that was due to him messing with you as you tried to line up. But this time it was all in good fun.

"I think that just about wraps up everything." Cor said after a while. "Let's go ahead and gather up everything and call it a night."

Everyone agreed as they put their bows back on the weapons stand and proceeded onto the range to retrieve the arrows.

"You mentioned that you learned how to shoot while at summer camp." Noctis said as you both were walking out.

You swallowed hard as you kept your eyes down. You knew that he was going to ask you about this. You knew it from the moment that you saw the range. But you still weren't sure if you wanted to share it with him or not. But why wouldn't you, you had already shared everything else with him since the two of you talked on the phone almost every night. And besides, you had already told Ignis, why wouldn't you tell Noctis.

Perhaps it's time to fill him in. You thought as you dropped your head as you reached down to grab a few arrows that had missed their mark.

You glanced over at Noctis as he glanced back at you before stopping to pick up a couple arrows himself.

You sighed as you picked up a couple more arrows.

"Yeah." You said finally as you picked up a couple more arrows. "It was at Camp Waka."

"Camp Waka?" Noctis asked as he looked at you before he leaned down and grabbed a couple more arrows.

"Yeah. It was the summer camp that I had gone to one year. My parents thought it would be fun and a good way to clear my head." You quietly said as you grabbed another arrow.

"It doesn't sound like you had a good time." Noctis said as he watched your reaction.

"For the most part, I was lonely. I couldn't seem to make any friends while I was there. No matter what I did." You said as you kept your gaze down.

"Now that's hard to believe, considering its you." Noctis said with a smile. "I've always pictured you to be the one with all the friends."

You sadly shook your head. "Sadly enough, no. I don't have any outside of everyone here."

"Did anyone try to help you out?" Noctis asked as he stood back up from grabbing an arrow that he spotted on the ground.

You froze as you flashed back to that dreadful night. Your heart skipped a beat as you felt your skin start to crawl as you heard his heavy breathing again in your ear. You tried to breathe but you could only get shallow breaths as you smelled his spicy cologne. Then you felt someone touch your back and you jumped out of your skin.

"Woah." Noctis said as he jerked his hand back.

"Are you alright?" He asked as he gave you a concerned look.

You shook your head as you tried to get that moment off your mind. Your hands were shaking and sweating. You shook them out as you tried to calm back down. All while your heart was pounding as it seemed to be trying to beat out of your chest.

Then your vision seemed to be playing tricks on you as you tried to look around. But it appeared as if you were back at camp. You could hear the other kids in the background. Even though it was as if they were in a cave, since everything seemed to echo.

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