"Speaking of, I really need to head to practice. I'll see you later, Y/n. You too, Kageyama." Mina blushed a bit. I smiled and Mina went off on her own.

"We still on for tomorrow?" I asked Kageyama.

"Yeah, but can we push back the time? I have practice in the morning," he asked as he grabbed bottle from the vending machine. I bet it's a milk. There's no way it's not. I caught a glimpse of the label revealing that it was, in fact, a carton of milk. Milk for practice? He needs to hydrate himself more. Why is he still like this? Weirdo.

"Yeah, whatever works for you," I said.

"Oh, really? You don't have any other plans for the day?"

"Besides tutoring you? No." We started making our way over to the gym where Karasuno's boys volleyball team practices.

"You cleared your whole schedule for me? How nice of you," Kageyama teased.

"It's not like that at all," I replied.

"So you couldn't make other plans? That's kind of sad."

"No, Tobio, it's not. It's called some people actually care about their homework." I fake gasped, while acting shocked. "But you wouldn't know what that's like because you only care about volleyball."

He and I were walking side by side. I had to speed walk to try and keep pace with him. Not only was he tall, but he was just a fast walker in general. It irritated me how he didn't even try to slow down. So inconsiderate.

"Are you saying that's a bad thing?" Kageyama accused.

"Not exactly, but you said you were considering playing at a top college after high school, right? Well, in order to get into one of those top colleges, you should also have good grades." I explained.

"You don't need good grades to get an athletic scholarship."

"But you need good grades to stay in that college," I added. Both Kageyama and I stopped in front of the gym doors. "Listen, I don't mean to always annoy you about your grades and your future, but it really is important. I just want you to see that."

"Please don't get all sappy on me. It's weird," he replied.

"Fine, fine." I held up my hands in defeat. "I take back the last thing I said. I guess it is my job to annoy you in order for you to succeed."

"No. No, that's not your job."

"Okay, whatever. Just go to practice, Tobio."

"Stop calling me To-" I pushed him through the doors before he could finish scolding me. I then began to make my way home.

When I finally got home I took off my shoes and let out a sigh. This house is so depressing. I went on to examine the drab rooms. It was all muted colors and no one was ever home; no one besides me. I guess I should cook dinner. I went into the kitchen and opened the cabinets. "I knew I should have went shopping the other day," I mumbled. "And he's coming over tomorrow."

I pulled out my phone to text Kageyama.

[To: Kageyama, Tobio]

We never decided on a time for tomorrow. What time does practice end? Also, what do you want for lunch? I can make us whatever you want.

I shouldn't go shopping until he replies, I decided, but he's at practice so it's going to take him four years to look at his phone. In the meantime of waiting for his reply, I decided to take a nap.

All These Years (Kageyama x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now