Pepper Collins

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{Mikayla: Dani King, Avery: Casey Cook}

Once they finished up, Tonks apparated the girls to Madam Malkin's, Mikayla takes out all the songs recordings passing them to Madam Malkin, who immediately went to the projector to scan the songs in. Whilst they waited, Avery, Tonks, Hermione and Mikayla explored the shop, taking in the new promo posters, there was a massive one of the four headliners. "This is so strange..." Hermione admits as she looks at a ten foot version of herself.

"You all look so beautiful." Tonk smiles looking at the poster, "we do." Avery states whilst Mikayla looked up and saw a genuine smile on her, "you look happy." Avery looks over at Mikayla with a small smile on her, "I had forgotten just for a split second how sad I was." She admits playing with her watch, with a sad smile playing on her face, "they would be so proud of you, M." Hermione takes my hand giving her a slight squeeze, "I know..." The blonde whispers as she looked at how beautiful she looked in the posters.

"Miss Black! Miss Black, can I speak with you for a second?" I see a woman rushing towards them with a camera guy beside her, Tonks quickly stepped in front of Mikayla but Mikayla stopped her, "it's okay Tonks, I've got this." Tonks looks unsure but Avery and Hermione gave her reassurance that Mikayla will be fine. "Hi, please call me Mikayla, and you are?" The woman smiled at Mikayla's politeness, "Pepper Collins." Mikayla smile at the woman, telling her that it's a pleasure to meet her. "Is it okay if I interview you? I'm new to the Prophet and I really want to do well." Pepper asks Mikayla as she greets the camera man, who goes by Adrian, "of course, Pepper." Pepper beamed, looking over at Hermione, Tonks and Avery, "can I interview your friends as well?" Mikayla informed Pepper that it's up to the girls if they're willing to be involved in the interview. Tonks doesn't agree to be interviewed, as she is just here for the girls' safety.

"Mikayla, how are you coping?" Pepper asks straight away, the only difference in her question from other strangers ones, was the genuine concern in her voice, "it's been tough and I've certainly had my low moments but I'm very thankful to be surrounded by people I love during this difficult time." Pepper gives the blonde sympathetic smile, "how have you been spending your time during your summer break?" Pepper questions, "well I've been balancing my social and work life to keep myself busy." Pepper nods, "where do you work?" Avery decided to answer this question, "we've both been working in the new joke shop Weasleys Wizard Wheezes, and we've been collaborating with Fred and George Weasley on our own line of products called Carra Creations, which has been a lot of fun." Pepper nods, "where did the name come from?" The girls' knew Pepper knew where they got the name from but wanted it for her readers. "We named it after our beloved Mam, Enya Carra, who we lost three years ago." Mikayla answers, "and Avery do you still consider Enya your mother?" Avery nodded, "she may not of given birth to me but she loved and cherished me as if I were her own and she'll always be my mam, just live Mikayla will always be my sister."

"Are you officially out of hiding?" Her quill and note book floated through the air as Pepper waited for an answer, "I'm not in hiding just being careful, I was just fulfilling a promise I made to my friend, Madam Malkin." The woman beamed as she looked around at the posters, "are you considering to pursue Modelling instead of working in the Ministry?" Mikayla shook her head with a small smile on her lips, "no, I'll leave the modelling to the professionals, I'm still focused on working in the Department of the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures once I complete my education in Hogwarts." Pepper smiles proudly that Mikayla was still as ambitious as she heard.

"This was your O.W.L year correct, how did you do?" Mikayla blushed as Hermione spoke up, "she got 10 Outstandings." Pepper's eyes widen in surprise, "congratulations, what subjects did you do?" Mikayla listed off her subjects, "you're quite impressive young lady, Mikayla." Mikayla blushes at the compliment thanking Pepper for her kind words, before Pepper questions the other girls' on their results. "Us at the Prophet love a group of brave intelligent girls."

Into The Light (Golden Trio Era) {2}Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu