Chapter 9

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Willa just sat there on the Quinjet as Loki wouldnt stop staring at her. He could sense the power that she had. He knew if he unleashed it all she wouldnt have a clue how to use it.

If she had no control the others would have no choice, but to try and help her then stop him. Not soon after that had landed and Loki personally took Willa with him.

"Your Daddy made such a nice Tower." Loki says.

He grabbed her by her hair and showed her how far up they were on the tower.

He used his powers to make some sort of golden chair. He then tricked Willa as if he was gonna throw her down, but she didnt even flinch.

"Not afraid of falling?" Loki asks.

"I've already been dropped from higher up then this. Besides.. You said Im your next monster. How could you kill me?" Willa questions.

The smirk on her face pissed off Loki that he smacked her in the face and grabbed her face.

"You will not mock me." Loki says and shoved her into the chair.

The Chair then grew some sort of arms and wrapped around her. Loki's even smirk made Willa wish she could smack him like he did to her.

"You took control of Barton. You killed Coulson. You took me. Yet you believe you will win? How can you? You're the classic villain and they never win." Willa says to him.

She tired to get a read on him and all she could sense was that there was nothing, but envy. She tried to move, but the chair just tightened its grip on her.

"You cant escape without help. Help from a light source." Loki says.

"Great.." Willa says.

Loki moved her chair and placed her inside as Selvig was working on the portal with the tesseract.

"Make sure you put that outside. Do you like it? Its gonna bring an army to Earth and I will.." Loki says.

"Lose. You will lose." Willa says.

"You think your so smart. So smug. You are the daughter of IronMan and yet out of all these heroes gathering they dont know what true power is." Loki says.

"True power? Like yours?" Willa asks.

"Yes. Just like me. I am to be king! I will rule your people and once your powers unleash. I will use you to make my newly found kingdom be truly afraid." Loki says.

"I will not help you. I rather die then help a jerk like you. You arent no king. You are just a jealous, petty god, with a grudge on your brother because he is actually meant to be king of his kingdom. Since you cant be king of Asgard so you are trying to take our world. You will fail. You will fall. Cause people like you always fail in the end." Willa says.

Loki did not like her talking to him like that so he punched her in the face. He hit her five times. Each time he transformed into someone else. First he was Natasha, then he was Thor, then he was Bruce, then he was Steve, then he was Clint, and lastly he was Tony.

Willa looked at him as he transformed into himself again. She looked as if she wanted to cry.

"What the matter?" Loki as Nat questions.

"You are weak." Loki as Thor says.

"You will be more feared then I." Loki as Bruce says.

"You are the weakest link. We dont need you." Loki as Steve says.

"You are nothing but a scared 18 year old brat." Loki as Clint says.

"You will never be like me. All you are is a mistake. As my daughter and as a possible hero." Loki as Tony says.

Loki then surrounded her with copies of himself as the others all saying the same thing over and over again. It was making Willa crazy. It was causing another attack just like Loki knew it would.

"Stop." Willa says closing her eyes.

"Stop it." Willa says again in hopes it would stop.

"STOP!" Willa yells.

She heard laughing and reopened her eyes. This time it was just one. Just Loki and he was looking at her with an evil smile on his face.

"Who will fall now?" Loki question.

"Still... You." Willa says trying to calm herself down more.

Willa just had some tears streaming down her face as she was controlling her attack.

"You're strong then I though. No matter. You're still my prisoner." Loki says.

He whispered to one of his men and they took the chair with Willa on it and took her into the elevator. The guy just stood there with the dark blue eyes of Loki's control.

Once they reach the bottom he dragged Willa to the hiding spot that Loki wanted her in.

"What is the plan now?" Willa asks the man.

He said nothing. He just looked up at the sky.

"What are you looking at? Is there something I should know?" Willa asks.

The man looked at her and the back at the sky again.

"Are you not allowed to talk to me?" Willa questions.

"We are waiting." The man says.

"Waiting? Waiting for what?" Willa questions.

"Thor. He will break the chair and free you. Loki believes it." The man says.

"Thor? Why does it have to be Thor? Cant it be my dad and his blasters?" Willa questions.

"It has to be his lightning. Dont worry once he comes you will be free." The man says.

"Yeah free from the chair." Willa says rolling her eyes.

"Yes free from the chair." The man says and started laughing.

Willa had no idea to why this man was laughing. Getting free from a chair shouldnt be funny. Whats so funny about it? What does Loki have planned for Willa? Why is Thor's lightning the only way to free her? Why is that so funny? Loki had a plan and Willa could sense that his plan for her will only cause trouble.

A/N: Two posts in one day. Wow.

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