Chapter 5

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Back on the Hella-Carrier Loki was in custody of SHIELD. Bruce was working hard with Willa's help to find the tesseract when Loki was being walked passed.

The god looked at Bruce and smiled as if he knew what Bruce was. He then like before looked at Willa's hands and also smiled as he walked back the room the two were in.

"He creeps me out." Willa says.

"Yeah. Why was he looking at your hands like that?" Bruce asks.

"Because I think he knows." Willa says holding up the results Banner read for her.

"Agent Stark, Dr.Banner, Fury would like to see you both." Nat says.

The two followed her out of the lab and down to the seating area. There was a new guy with them, but who was he.

"Who is this?" Willa asks.

"I am Thor." Thor says.

"Okay... Hey any news on Barton?" Willa asks.

"Not yet, but we'll find him." Nat says.

Fury was talking to Loki and the team was hearing everything that they were saying. Though from time to time Steve would look over at Willa. Every so often she would catch him and she didnt know why he was staring at her.

"What? Why do you keep looking at me? Do you have a problem Captain?" Willa ask in a rather harsh tone.

Steve didnt say anything he looked away from her and went back to looking at the screen that had Loki and Fury on them. Fury then left where Loki was and the screens went off. Now Willa was the one staring at the Captain and she had a off feeling.

"He really grows on you doesnt he?" Bruce asks.

"Yeah like a sore that wont go away." Willa says.

"Loki's gonna drag this out. So, Thor whats his play?" Steve questions.

"He has an army called the Chitauri. They're not of Asgard nor any world known. He means to lead them against your people. They will win him the Earth, in return, I suspect for the tesseract." Thor says.

"An army from outer space." Steve says.

"Thanks for dumbing down Captain." Willa says.

"So, he's building another portal. Thats what he needs.." Bruce says, but Willa cuts him off.

"Erik Selvig for." Willa says.

"Yeah." Bruce says.

"Selvig?" Thor questions.

"He's an astrophysicist." Willa says.

"He's a friend." Thor says looking rather upset.

"Loki has him under some kind of spell, along with one of ours." Nat says.

"The quicker we put an end to this the faster we get him back." Willa says.

"You know what? Could you just stop talking." Steve says to Willa.

"Excuse me? Whats your deal?" Willa asks.

"I just dont see why someone with no control has to be here." Steve says before focusing back on the job at hand.

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