"Yes, they say that he's healthy considering what happened".

"Of course that's physically, mentally there gonna run some test on him in a couple of day but there pretty sure he suffers from some type of depression ".

Aunty Inko said her voice cracking every once in awhile.

"Yeah, no fucking shit".

I mummbled.

"What was that katsuki?"

My mom asked looking me up and down.

I answered looking away.

"Mitsuki I have to leave for work, can you please stay here till I come back? "

Aunty Inko asked.

"No can do Inko I have a job to get to too, buuut Katsuki could stay here".

My mom suggests smiling evily at me.

"Will you please? "

Inko pleaded.

"Yeah, whatever"

I answered but secretly I was glad I would get to be alone with Izuku that'll give me time to apologize.

"Thank you katsuki".

Aunty Inko said standing up and grabbing her purse.

" Izuku dare I'll be back, I love you"

Aunty Inko said hugging him and walking away.

Izuku still didn't respond he just looked at his damn lap.

"I have to go too, behave katsuki! "

My mom ordered me as she walked off saying.

"Love ya brat".

Before leaving.


I feel so cold.

I thought I was dead.

I don't remember much when I was in the coma but I do remember feeling and seeing darkness.
Almost like a void I could never fill.
It was so scary.

I listening as mom and kacchan's mom left I was silently pleading they wouldn't leave me alone with kacchan but they did.

Why am I not dead.

That fall should of killed me.

Now all I feel is just sadness and so much fucking hate.


Kacchan whispered when he sat down.

I ignored him.

He's the last person I want to see or hear from.

"Izuku, look at me please".

Kacchan pleaded placing his hand on mine only for me to slap it away and give him a death glare.

His expression looked like I kicked a puppy dog.


Yep, I was right he doesn't want to see me.

" Iz-"

"Fuck off. "

Izuku angrily said.

I looked away from him trying to hold in any tears that were trying to escape.

Come on katsuki you knew he might react like this especially since that Dave dude said he would have plain hatred in his heart and it's my job to make it warm.
So that's what I'm gonna do.

"Izuku please just liste-"

"Why!? "

"Huh?! "

"As far as I'm concern I don't have to listen to you, in fact you know what I would like?! "

"For you to go take the damn swan dive off the roof next".

As soon as izuku said that he slapped his hand over his mouth.
Tears were running down his face.


why'd I say that??

I didn't mean that.

I hope he doesn't take that serious.

I might hate him but I don't want him to do that.

"Izuku you didn't mean that right!?"

Kacchan asked me.

N-no of course not.

"I want you too leave me the hell alone".

I answered looking out the window now.

It was midnoon, the sun should be out but it wasn't instead there where grey almost black cloud roaming around the sky.
It seemed almost peaceful in an odd way.

"Izuku ".

Kacchan tried again.

" What! "

"What is so damn important that you can't fucking leave me alone! "

I yelled making the katsuki bakugo flinch.

"I-I'm sorry. "

Kacchan stuttered out.

"What?! "
I raised my eyebrow in confusion.

"I'm sorry, for e-everything".

"The bullying, the torment all of it".

Kacchan apologized.

Kacchan is apologizing??

Does he mean it??

No bullshit he just feels bad, since I-.

"Fuck off katsuki".

I spat out making him look startled.
Probably cause I called him by is real name.


Kachan went to grab my hand but I slapped him before he could.
Only for a split second did I feel warmth spread across my body since I awoke.


He slapped me.

Though I guess I do kinda deserve it.

Alright, I deserve it a lot.

"Izuku I can't leave you alone I promised your mom I'd keep an eye on you".

I finally spoke after a long moment of silence.


Was all he said before going back to looking out the window again.

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