Ridiculous story }:)

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I was sooo bored. XD So I wrote this- :) 

Chapter One

My name is Katalyn. I'm a really good girl. I get straight As. Well, mostly because my mother would kill me if I got a bad grade on the report card!

Well, today I was reading a book, as usual, during homeroom. I was waiting for math class to finally start so I can get the midterm over with.

"Oh my god! Did you hear about the new kid!?" A blonde girl cries. She has a huge mouth with lots of red lipstick dabbed on. Her friend gasps and screams.

"Yes! I think his name is Taylor, and oh my goodness, he is hot." She squeals. I feel the excitement in me. Finally, a boy at school who doesn't see me as a total nerd!

"What?" The blonde narrows her eyes. "Um, the hottie's... Mine."

"You didn't even know his name!" Her friend snaps. They start arguing, so I grab all my notebooks and move to the other side of the room. 

I wonder how this Taylor would be like.

Chapter Two

I am hopeless.

I never see him! I saw him once in the hallway, and he had his long black bangs covering his face, so I couldn't really see him, but he looked hot. Although, he was a little short for a seventeen year old boy.

I don't care. It's not like I'm tall.

I decide to talk to him more today, if hopefully he sees me more than yesterday. When I arrive in math, the blonde's friend has found a new group. So the angry blonde throws her back pack on the seat next to me.

"Hey." She smiles.

"Oh hi." I say.

"My name is Natalie." 

"Oh cool. I mean I like that name." I giggle. "I'm Katalyn." I turn back to my book, but she starts talking again.

"Do you think I'm pretty, Katalyn?"


"Prettier than Ashley at least."

"Who's Ashley?" I ask. "Sorry, I don't know her-"

"She's right over there. That brat over there." She rolls her icy blue eyes and points at her friend, well former friend I guess. 

"I thought you were fangirling with her yesterday." I say, by mistake.

"Uh huh." She rolls her eyes. "Well, that's not happening again." Then she brightens. "Speaking of yesterday, do you think I look cute with the new guy, Taylor?"

"I- I don't see him at all." I say slowly. This girl just met me! And she's being so weird! Or am I awkward? Well, she can call her best friend a brat over a boy so...

Chapter Three

Natalie and Ashley made up a week later, and Natalie nolonger cared about me or talk to me at all. That's fine. They moved on from the whole Taylor thing, and so have I. 

But I didn't expect the shock I received today.

I went to the bathroom during lunch, and when I pushed the door of the girl's room open, he was in there.

Meaning, Taylor was in there.

My mouth dropped open. I thought I was in the wrong bathroom, but this was definitely the bathroom I'm used to going to!

And get this- Taylor was wearing a strapless dress! With a heart shaped top and all! I just stared at him in utter-

Him? Her. 

Up close, I could see that Taylor is just a girl who happens to have a more athletic built, and has a pixie cut with long bangs. 

"Sorry, did I scare you?" She asked. Her voice was more feminine than mine! I couldn't believe it.

"No, I'm fine, I'm... Weird." I ran into a stall. And when I thought about Natalie and Ashley's fight, I couldn't help but giggle. 

The End.

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