Poor Kitten (Part 2)

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After school, I headed to the park. I did not want to bother Taryn, and my house was way too quiet. My father was overseas again and my mother was hard at work. Years ago, my father and I would take a walk in the park, and we would always visit this particular palm tree in the park. We would sit under the tree and just talk about life. Now, it was me alone, so I would visit the tree daily, hoping it would cure my loneliness.

After school, it was around 2 p.m., so it was very hot and not many people are in the park. However, under the tree, it was quite cool and there was sufficient light, so I did not mind the heat. On the bright side, it was pretty quiet and I could concentrate.

As I neared the palm tree, I saw a familiar figure hunched over its roots. Whipping out my phone, I snapped a picture of him and sent it to Taryn. "What is CARDAN doing here?"I messaged her and ran to another section of the park lest he turns around and accuses me of being a stalker.

Bing! Taryn replied with "Get away from him!" However, those words obviously did not hit me.

Hmm... he is just one person. His 'buddies' aren't here, I think it is time. It should go smoothly, I shouldn't it? He will never bother me again, I remarked to myself.

However, as I neared the tree I hesitated. Should I confront him? What if Heron, Eric or Dylan was nearby? I was stuck between a rock and a hard place. I could just report to the discipline master this time... but will she believe me? I wondered. Yet... my parents' money... gone just like that... What's to say that just because I confronted Cardan means that he will stop bullying me? I was locked in a mental conflict

Just then, a word popped up in my head. 'Selfish'. That's what I was. I had been thinking about myself all along. If I confronted Cardan, I might convince the bullies to disband; and no one will get bullied again. With that thought in mind, I hastened to the palm tree. Cardan was still hunched over, murmuring something to himself.

"What are you doing here, Cardan?"I inquired, giving him a sweet smile.

Cardan leapt backwards and let out a yelp. "What are you doing here?"He growled, standing up. that was when I saw a kitten lying in front of him.

"Oh my......"I gasped. The kitten lifted his head and did a pitiful meow. It shifted its body slightly, and I saw one of its legs were broken.

"Cardan! What have you done?"I thundered.

Cardan's eyes went wide. "I didn't do a single thing! Why does everyone assume the worst in me? I have been trying to get it to show me its injuries so I can tell a vet what happened!" He wailed.

Freezing, I queried, "You did what?"

Cardan was caught off guard by my question. "Erm... nothing. Why don't we bring it to a vet first?" He hastily changed the subject.

I sighed. "Firstly, this kitten is in no shape to be moved by us. Secondly, we should call the SPCA. Thirdly, I want to hear how you came across this interesting find."I fixed him with a glare. He shrugged and I called SPCA, explaining what had happened. SPCA officials arrived and took the kitten away.

Turning to Cardan, I demanded an explanation. "I was walking past when the kitten fell from the tree. I kept trying to convince it to let me see its injuries, but it remained hostile to me. And then you came." I detected a twinge of envy and hate. He gave me a bittersweet smile. "Now can I leave?"

"Why do you hate me so much? Why do you bully ME everyday?" I blurted out.

Cardan's face turned white and he sat down heavily between two large roots. His head dropped. "You don't have to tell me. Just stop bullying me.", I remarked, my heart softening at the sight of him looking so defeated. I reached out a hand, about to lay it on his shoulder.

"No." He snapped and took a deep breath. "I should tell you.

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