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Rossi stopped and looked at you, raising an eyebrow. "It depends... what is it?" 

"Well, Emily's birthday is coming up, and I was hoping we could have a welcome back party, and a birthday party in one." You said.

"You want me to have it, don't you?" He asked.

"Yeah... kind of. If that's okay." You reply.

"Of course. Do you have any ideas?" He muttered while starting to walk again.

You walk too, relieved Rossi was okay with the party idea. You got butterflies in your stomach just thinking about it. "Yes." You said after a minute of daydreaming. 

You both meet with the other, no longer falling behind them. "We'll talk later," Rossi whispered.


(You finish the case, and you are all on your way back on the jet.)

You added everyone, except Emily, to a group chat called Emily's surprise b-day/ welcome home party.

You type "Guys, I planning this party for Emily. It's at Rossi's next Saturday. The party officially starts at 7, but be there by 6:30, so you have time to get into position. Now, who volunteers to bring Em to the party, while the rest of us hide?"

Everyone reads it, and Morgan starts typing.

"I'll do it. I'll ask if she wants to get a drink, and say Rossi wants us to come over." He said.

"Sounds good. Is everyone good with that?" You text.

Everyone says some variation of yes.

"Okay, Rossi and I will figure out the rest." You tell everyone.

Once you get back, Emily taps you on your shoulder. "Hey, y/n. Do you think I could stay at your place for a few nights? I can't move into my apartment for a week or so. 

You blushed and replied "O- of course. Do you want to head there now?"

Emily smiled, relieved that you said yes. " Yeah! Let's go!" She said eagerly.

She turned and walked swiftly to the exit of the BAU. You grinned seeing her smile like that. You followed her out.

"So... are you seeing anyone?" Emily asked after you pulled out of the parking lot. 

You had a puzzled look on your face, "No... Why do you ask? 

Emily turned her head to look out the window, but you could tell she was smiling at your words. "I was just wondering." 

She continued to stare out the window for the rest of the ride to your apartment, not saying another word. You couldn't help but think that maybe, just maybe, she felt the same about you.

In a flash, you were at your place. 

Emily hopped out of the car, she seemed to skip joyfully to your door. She remembered where you lived, probably because she'd come over to watch movies every now and then.

You took out your keys, and Em barged right in. "So, what do you want to do?" You questioned.

She plopped down on your couch. "I don't know... Do you want to watch TV or a movie?" Emily replied.

"Sure." You said while handing Emily the remote. "I'm going to get changed." 

Emily's eyes widened. "Damn it. I forgot about my clothes!" She yelled.

You chuckled, "It's okay! I'll get you some!"

You went into your room when she nodded and started flipping through movies on the TV.

You made your way to your closet, and you grabbed some gray shorts, and a hoodie for yourself, and a t-shirt and some light pants for Emily. You got changed and picked up the clothes you picked out for Em.

"I picked out a movie!" Emily said enthusiastically when she saw you come out of your room.

You looked at the screen and shook your head. "Aw Em, I told you, I don't like scary movies!" You remarked.

"Come on! This isn't as bad as what we do! Pleaseee?" She whined.

You held out the clothes, "Fine, and I know it's not as bad! I just don't like jump scares!"

Emily got up and walked toward you, she grabbed the clothes. "Well, I'll just hug you when you get scared." She said as she smirked and walked behind you.

Your face got red. "Is Em flirting with me?" you thought to yourself.

You sat on the couch, covered by a blanket, Emily came out of the bathroom and sat beside you, now covered by the blanket as well. 

"Are you ready?" She asked. You nodded, and Emily began the movie. 

The movie was going smoothly, nothing to scare you yet. You wondered to yourself how you could get scared by a horror movie when you see dead bodies, and killers so frequently. Then...


You jumped at the jumpscare. Emily looked over at you and smiled. She put her arm around you and pulled you to where your head rested on the outside of her arm. You glanced up at her, and she was looking back at the TV, but she was still beaming. 

Around three-fourths of the way through the movie, you fell asleep, dreaming about Emily, like always.

All of a sudden, you woke up, lights off, and on top of something soft but also hard at the same time. You rubbed your eyes and saw you were laying on Emily's hip. You stood up and went into your closet to get her another blanket because she seemed chilly now that you weren't laying on her. You walked back over to her, covering her up. You looked down at her face, and her dimples showed suddenly, without her even knowing. 

You side-smiled and walked to your bed. You instantly fell asleep.


You woke up to the smell of syrup. You stood and looked in your mirror. You combed your hair down a bit with your hands and trudged to the kitchen. Emily looked over at you and waved for you to come sit at the table. You gestured back and made your way to the table. 

"I hope you like pancakes!" Emily declared.

"I do!" you stated.

Emily finished quickly and sat across from you. She stared into your eyes for barely enough time to notice, and she began eating, so you did too. 

Both of you finished fairly fast, and Emily took both of your plates to the sink.

"You can just leave them in there. I'll do them later." You said.

"Alright. Do you want to go to the mall or something? I need to get some clothes." You laughed a little and agreed. 

About thirty minutes later, you were ready to go. You went out the door, and Emily reached for your hand and grabbed it. You both walked happily.


I am so so sorry it took me so long to update! I haven't been in the mood to write recently. Also, I am so sorry this chapter is boring. I PROMISE it will get better next chapter!

ConnectedDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora