Long Overdue

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Mina was still confused as she and Izuku entered the restaurant. They somehow had a reservation, and Mina was still wondering where Katsuki was. Had he canceled last minute again? It had become more prevalent as of late, but nothing that he hadn't been able to explain. Especially the closer they got to the Entrance Exams for UA.

Izuku had been sure to let the ash blond know not to overdue it. That he needed to relax and unwind, too. It seemed to get through to Katsuki for a little while, before he was talking about training again.

Back to the present, however, and Mina was still confused over their supposed reservation. There was also something Izuku wasn't saying after his talk with Katsuki. Hadn't even mentioned if the other boy had cancelled again or not.

However, when Izuku had offered his hand, she took it. It wasn't like it was something they hadn't done before, but this time it felt different. As if that wishful thinking from earlier had some merit to it this time.

He had still remained silent since his announcement that they had a reservation, but was smiling, which always made Mina's heart flutter. But there was more to his smile than just the happiness of hanging out with friends. There was that fire of determination in his eyes, as well as some nervousness.

They approached the host, who looked at them a little confused (probably because two teens were here alone), but professional nevertheless.

"A reservation?" he asked, to which Izuku nodded.

"Yes, sir," Izuku responded. "Should be under Midoriya." The host nodded briefly before scanning his book. After just a moment, he spotted the name. His eyebrows furrowed as he read further, but then his eyes lit up.

"Ah, yes. Perfect," he stated. "Please follow me." There seemed to be a pep in his step as he lead the two teens to their seat. He showed them the seating: a smaller booth that seemed only large enough to give them the vaguest sense of personal space between the two. Izuku sighed at this, chuckling.

"Thank you, sir," Izuku said to the host as he and Mina took their seats.

"My pleasure," the host responded. "Master Kurosu wishes you both a great dinner, and that everything is taken care of. Enjoy." With that, the host left them. Mina was stunned by the man's words. She looked over to Izuku, who was...less stunned. Which meant he knew something about it. Had that been what his conversation with Katsuki was about?

Once they had settled, Mina spoke up.

"Izu," she said, her voice curious, and a bit nervous. "What's going on?" Izuku moved closer to her, and she instinctively moved closer to him.

"Mina," he said. "I didn't plan this. But, I don't know if I would have gotten the courage to, so Kacchan and Master Kurosu set us up so I could. That's what I was talking about with Kacchan about." There was a pause, and realization dawned on Mina's face. She didn't want to get her hopes up too much, but she had a pretty good idea of where this could be heading. All else failed, she would confess herself.

"I really like you, Mina," Izuku continued. "As more than a friend. I have for some time now. Probably even since we met, even if I didn't know what those feelings meant back then. I do now. And...I know it may sound early to say something like this, but, like I've said, I've been holding them for a long time." He looked her in the eye, emerald meeting gold. She felt her lip tremble.

"I love you, Mina/Izu," they said at the same time. Then, both of their eyes widened as the words processed in their heads. Izuku leaned forward, and Mina followed suit. The kiss was chaste for the most part, but there was still a fire that both felt upon the contact. When they parted, they looked at each other. Mina smiled as she moved closer to him, and he adjusted so they were flush with one another.

They were brought out of their own comfortable aura by a throat clearing. They looked up to see one of the restaurant's waiters smiling ruefully at the them.

"Are the happy couple ready to order, or would like a few minutes?" The two blushed in a bit of embarrassment, but made no move to separate. They ordered drinks, but asked for a few minutes to order their food. The waiter got it taken care of before heading off to return after a few minutes.

Izuku turned to look at Mina.

"How about we enjoy this date?" he said, making Mina smile wider and hold back a girlish giggle.


"Just because you and Young Ashido are dating now, doesn't mean I expect you to slack any on your training," Master Kurosu said as they prepared for training for the day. At first, Mina and Izuku looked at one another, surprised that their Master had figured it out before being told.

"Oh, don't look so surprised," Kurosu laughed. "It was going to happen. Young Bakugo and I just helped to...expedite it. Overdue in my opinion." Kurosu was joined in his laughter by Katsuki. Izuku just sighed and shook his head before taking Mina's hand.

"And I can't thank either of you enough," Izuku said, bringing a still to the laughter. The mirth was still present, but Kurosu and Katuski listened to Izuku's sincere gratitude. "And we promise. This isn't going to hold us back."

"Good," Kurosu said. "Only a month until the Exams. I know you're all ready, but that doesn't mean you can't do more. Let's begin."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2021 ⏰

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