The Pink Girl and a Meeting

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As they were walking home from Master Gundam's Agency, Izuku and Katsuki were chatting excitedly about everything they had seen and been able to do during the tour. They still had energy to burn, and it was still fairly early in the day, being just past midday.

"How would you boys like to go play at the park?" Inko asked them. The two friends looked at each other before their smiles widened, and they nodded their heads vigorously. The sight caused the mothers to chuckle among themselves as they changed direction and headed to the nearby park.

Upon arriving, the boys immediately sprinted away to play whichever of their games came to mind. Though, most of the time it was some Hero related game. The two mothers smiled, giving the boys a motherly warning about being careful, before sitting down on the bench not too far from a couple.

The couple smiled at them as they watched the boys go off.

"Well, they definitely look like the two of you," the woman said, smiling. She had pink hair with a dark complexion, and golden eyes. The man beside her chuckled. He was a larger man, with curled horns on his head. He also had a darker complexion, but his horns were about the only other thing that struck out about him.

"We have a daughter around their age," he said. "She went off a little while ago with another group of kids because they asked to play with her. Your boys will probably run in to them."

The couple and the mothers began to speak amicably among themselves, unaware of how connected they were about to be after the day.


"Kacchan, wait up!" Izuku called after his friend, who had sprinted ahead. Katsuki looked back, and gave the greenette a rueful smile.

"C'mon, I thought you were training hard with me," he replied. "You gotta catch up if you're still going to be the Number Two Hero one day." This caused Izuku to gain a second wind, and quickly catch up with the boy. He definitely exerted himself more, though.

"I am, Kacchan," he said. "But you're still faster than me. Probably 'cause you're a little taller."

"Excuses, Dekiru," Katsuki playfully shoved the other boy, causing the two to laugh. The banter between the two was always a favorite among them. It helped drive Izuku, while keeping Katsuki a little more grounded, especially when Izuku found something he was more naturally gifted for, like analysis, and being able to counter Katsuki's (albeit tamed) explosions when they sparred to keep their bodies and minds going as much as they could at their age.

As they continued walking to a more secluded spot to play, Izuku picked up voices nearby. One thing Izuku was slightly better at than Katsuki was hearing lower sounds, though they believed that was due to some partial damaging of Katsuki's hearing due to the use of his explosions. Izuku, ever curious, decided to investigate, with Katsuki now following.

The sight they saw made Izuku clench his fists.

Around the corner, a group of three kids, two boys and one girl, stood over another girl, who was on the ground. The girl on the ground was easily noticeable due to her pink skin and hair. As Izuku and Katsuki got closer, they also saw her horns, and her golden eyes surrounded by black sclera. But it was those eyes that moved Izuku, as they were filled with tears of hurt.

"C'mon! Get up, freak!" one of the boys taunted her, before kicking dirt in her face. That was all Izuku needed for his body to move, and Katsuki, realizing what his best friend was doing, was on his heels.

"Leave her alone!" Izuku said loudly, causing the three who were bullying the pink girl to take a step back. They were at first shocked, before the boy who had just spoken (who seemed to be the leader of the group) scowled at the green-haired boy who had planted himself between the pink girl and her tormentors.

The three tormentors were probably about a year or two older than Izuku and Katsuki, while the pink girl was about their age. She looked up in awe at her green-haired savior, surprise on her face at being protected.

"You're gonna wish you hadn't gotten in the way," the girl tormentor spoke now, though was quickly silenced by Katsuki popping off a few small explosions in his hand.

"Are you sure about that?" he smiled, though the smile was cold, and it sent shivers down the three tormentors' spines. That was nothing compared to the righteous fury radiating off of Izuku. The tormentors steeled themselves for a fight, but were interrupted by another voice.

"And just what do we have going on here?" It caused all of the kids to look in that direction, and all of their jaws dropped at the sight of Master Gundam, the Number Two Pro Hero, approaching the group. The tormentors immediately spoke up, trying to make excuses about how they were playing, it got a little rough, and everything was fine, just a misunderstanding.

Master Gundam, also know as Master Asia, real name Kurosu Shuuji, saw through the lie, and gave the tormentors a cold stare. It caused them to make up an excuse to quickly leave. Master Asia ensured they were out of sight and earshot before turning back to the remaining trio.

"I saw the whole thing happen," he said. "I was about to intervene before you boys did. You were very Heroic just then." His stern face had since shifted into a friendly one. The remaining children, especially Izuku, were completely starstruck. Katsuki was the first to break out of it, and he nudged Izuku. Izuku cleared his head. He had so much to ask, but his mind quickly snapped elsewhere. He instead turned to the girl.

"Are you okay?" he asked, extending his hand out her to help her up. Her cheeks became dusted lilac as she took his hand. Once up, she immediately lunged forward, enveloping Izuku in a hug. She was still crying, weeping her thanks to the green haired boy, who had since turned in to a human tomato at the contact. A throat clearing separated the two, but the pink girl still stayed close to her savior.

"What are your names?" Master Asia asked them. Katsuki was the first to step forward.

"I'm Katsuki Bakugo," he said. "Remember the name, because I'm gonna be the Number One Hero!" He then shyly added "sir" at the end. It caused Master Asia to chuckle. The pink girl spoke next.

"My name is Mina Ashido," she said, her spirits up from just a few minutes ago. "I want to be a Hero, too. I want to stop bullies like those kids. I want to show others who may not look 'normal' that there is nothing to be ashamed of." She smiled as she looked over to Izuku. "I want to be like my Hero." This caused the boy to blush again before he, too, spoke.

"I'm Izuku Midoriya," he said. "And I want to be a Hero like you, Master Asia. And like All Might. Saving people with a smile like All Might. And..." he paused. Whereas Katsuki was cool with Izuku, and people didn't quite look down at him because of Master Asia showing that a Quirkless person could be a Hero, the Number Two Hero, in fact, Quirkless were still looked down upon by some of the more close-minded people.

"I'm Quirkless, just like you," he continued, causing the man to raise an eyebrow. Izuku looked over to Mina with worry, but instead of a judging look, her eyes were awe-inspired, as if him being Quirkless made her see him in an even better light. He turned his attention back to Master Asia. "You've inspired me, and showed that I could be a Hero, too." There was a fire in his eyes. It made Master Asia smile.

"Well, I have just the offer for you."

Rise of the Next Quirkless Hero: Burning GundamTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon