Katsuki Bakugo Plays Matchmaker

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Over the next five years, true to his word, Kurosu trained the three aspiring Heroes. While he honed Izuku in the ways of the Undefeated of the East, Katsuki and Mina trained under Heroes in the Master Gundam agency that fit more to their Quirks and desired fighting styles.

Katsuki proved to be more of an acrobatic fighter, though initially thought he'd be brute strength like All Might. However, after seeing how his Quirk could be utilized (and with a lot of input from Izuku's analysis), everyone came to the realization that Katsuki could do the most by utilizing Aerial techniques.

Mina had gotten into dancing at a young age, even before she met Izuku and Katsuki. So, it became no surprise that styles such as capoeira became second nature to her. Again, Izuku's analysis proved pivotal in her fighting and Quirk utilization with the style.

Izuku made amazing progress with his own fighting techniques, impressing Kurosu. Of course, he wasn't ready for the advanced training, but he was far ahead of where the Number 2 Hero thought he'd be.

During all of this, of course, the group of friends grew closer. This was especially true of Izuku and Mina. What started out as a small bit of puppy love for her Hero soon evolved into true feelings, ones she understood, and not just because he had stood up for her when they were younger.

For Izuku, who was awkward as he could get, and still eventually grow into a fit young man, bordering on becoming a bit of a powerhouse, his feelings had grown as well. He went from complete blushing mess around girls to...well, he was still a complete blushing mess, but he handled it much better now.

And then there was Katsuki. Katsuki knew from the time they had met that the curly-haired pair were going to get together when they were older and truly situated out their feelings. Now it was just a matter of getting the two to admit it to each other. Heavens knows he had heard enough gushing about the pink-skinned girl from his best friend, and, surprisingly enough, how much said girl gushed to Katsuki about Izuku.

So, sometime after they all turned 13, and with the U.A. Entrance Exams a little under two years away, Katsuki decided he would work to get the two together. Thus, began his near year long plan. It mostly consisted of taking himself out of the picture when it came to plans. He'd either cancel last minute, or simply say he was unavailable, while still ensuring the other two still went through with whatever plans they were making.

That part was difficult, because he had to pretty much pound it into the other two's skulls that they could have fun without him. Of course, he had to make sure he didn't do it too often, or make a pattern out of it so they'd get suspicious. While all of this was going on, Izuku and Mina had their own doubts. They each wanted to express their feelings, but something was nagging the both of them.

"Master, do you have a moment?" Izuku said, as he entered the training room where Kurosu trained them. The older man smiled at Izuku, beckoning him inside.

"For my successor, I always have a moment," he responded, which filled Izuku with joy, and just a little bit of pride.

"This is a little personal," he began. "But...what is your take on Heroes and romantic relationships?" The question had caused Kurosu to smile widely.

"I take it this is about Young Ashido, correct?" Izuku's face began to grow bright red, and Kurosu knew he had hit the nail on the head. The older man chuckled before motioning Izuku to take a seat.

"One thing I've learned in life is that you must always live life to the fullest," he said. "Just because you see many Pro's not have family, there isn't anything against it. Is it dangerous? Of course it is. But the real question you must ask yourself at the end of the day is if the feelings you have are worth that risk. Or if it's not, are you willing to pay the price that is loneliness to avoid said risk." He clasped his hand on Izuku's shoulder.

"Now," he continued. "I believe your friends have made plans for the day, correct?" Izuku nodded, giving his thanks as he left. Of course, Kurosu knew what plans lay in store for his successor, as he had a major hand in putting everything together.


"Hey, Izu," Mina said to her friend and crush. "Are we sure this is the right place?" Izuku looked at his phone to the address Katsuki had given the two for where they were supposed to meet up tonight. He looked back up, checking the building's address, back at his phone, to Mina, then back to the building.

"It's the correct address," Izuku finally said, as the pair looked towards the rather expensive-looking restaurant. "I'll give him a call to make sure he gave us the right address." Mina nodded absently. Not that she wouldn't enjoy a romantic dinner with Izuku at a fancy place like this, but that was, in her opinion, wishful thinking. Just as Izuku was about to dial Katsuki's number, his phone rang.

It was the ash blond himself.

"Kacchan," Izuku answered the phone. "Where are you? Did you give us the wrong address?"

"No, nerd, I didn't give you the wrong address," the other boy responded. There was something about his voice, Izuku noted. It lacked the normal "bite" that Izuku was used to from his best friend. There was a sigh before Katsuki spoke again.

"Look, Izuku," he continued. Something else that caught the grenette off-guard. Katsuki rarely, if ever, called him by his first name. It was usually something like "nerd" or "Dekiru". Izuku cleared his head as Katsuki kept talking. "I'm not making it tonight. I never planned to. Being up front...Master Kurosu and I set you up.

"I see how you look at her," Katsuki stated, making Izuku a little red. "I've heard how you talk about her. Take your shot, brother. Everything's taken care of. Reservation under your name. Got it?" Izuku's mouth was dry as he glanced over at Mina, who was giving him a confused look, unable to hear the conversation.

"Do it, nerd, or else." Katsuki's final words made Izuku smile.

"There's the Kacchan I know," he replied. "Okay. I'll take you up on that." With that, the two boys hung up with one another. Izuku looked over to Mina, and felt his heart swell. He offered his hand to her.

"C'mon," he said, the sweet smile that always made Mina's heart flutter etched on his face. "We apparently have a reservation."

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