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Firstly, I would like to thank everyone that motivated me to write Serena's Sun and Moon, and apologise for the extremely big delay in the release of the sequel... But better late than never... I guess? Haha! Special thanks to INeedanAccountLol for the cover! (He made for Serena's Sun and Moon but I'm using for this one too xD)

*Alert*- This is a sequel to "Serena's Sun and Moon", so it's highly recommended for you to read that first and after that coming here to read this one, but reading this prologue should give enough context to read this book. It is to be noted that this prologue is a very short text with the intention giving context. If you like this fanfic, it is highly recommended to read "Serena's Sun and Moon" first. This prologue does not have major spoilers.

Serena wasn't successful in Hoenn, so she decided to go to the Kanto Region, where she was able to motivate herself and travel through the Johto Region, where, with her Showcases, she was able to amaze so many people that they decided to create a Master Class in Johto. 

She was succesfull in catching a Milotic that was able to talk with her through a connection on their hearts and, with its help, was able to win the first ever showcase tournament in the Johto region.

Two weeks have passed since then and in that time she took part in two other tournaments, not being able to win the first one, but qualified to the Freestyle Performance of the second one. 

She is currently preparing to get on stage for her Performance.

Serena's new journey!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora