A new student

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Marinette's POV

I was having a sweet dream. But I felt cold as if someone poured cold water on me.
I jolted up. I saw Tikki with a bucket.
." Tikki! What the hell was that for. It's the third time this week that you pour water on me!" I yelled.
." Because this is the third time this week that you're gonna get detention for being late," Tikki said.
I got out of bed ate breakfast and ran to school.

Chloe's POV

I arrived at school early today, thank God.
I saw Adrian arrived at school.
I ran to him. I needed to talk to him about something.
." Adrian, can I have a word with you?" I asked.
." Sure Chlo," he replied.
We sat on a bench.
." Listen Adrian, I know you love Marinette. And I am so happy for you two," I began.
." Yeah, I'm finally gonna ask her to be my girlfriend," Adrian said dreamily.
." Hell no, Adrian," I bursted out.
." Why Chloe? What's wrong?" he asked.
." Don't get me wrong. I'm an Adrienett fan. But I have some reasons that you two can't be official just yet," I said making him blush.
." What are those reasons?" Adrian asked.
." First of all your father. If he realizes you're dating Marinette, he will definitely force you two to break up," I said.
." He can't force me to break up with Marinette," Adrian blurted furiously.
." What if he threatens you that if you don't, he would ruin Dupain_Cheng's family and their bakery?" I suggested.
Adrian looked at me sadly.

." Another reason is that maybe if you two got together, someone like Hawk Moth put the two and two together and figure out your secret identities. You know, it won't do any good," I explained.

." Also imagine Lie_la and her sheeps realize that you're dating Marinette. The bullies will get worse. What if they hurt you and her? Or even worse, what if they kill her? If any of these happens, Marinette will get depressed enough to attract an akuma. Without Ladybug who is Marinette Paris will be doomed," I exclaimed.
Adrian looked shocked but he eventually nodded.
." Hate to admit it, kid. But she's right on this one," Plagg said.
." But no one said you can't date her secretly," I smirked mischievously.
Adrian's mood brighten up.
." Thanks, Chloe. I think you're right. I am so grateful to have friends like you and Marinette," Adrian said happily.
Adrian left.
I sighed. How I wished we didn't have to deal with Lila now.
." My Queen, aren't you in love with Adrian?" Pollon asked.
." Nah, I thought I had feelings for him but now I think of it he was just a great friend," I responded." Come on Pollen. We're gonna be late for class."

Marinette's POV

I changed clothes, brushed my teeth and got ready.
." Marinette, don't you remember what happened last night?" Tikki asked seriously.
." No, I don't," I replied trying to remember. But all I remembered was Chat Noir visiting me.
." Let's go. You're gonna be late for school!" Tikki said.
I quickly grabbed my purse and packed some cookies and grabbed my bag and ran the whole way to school.
When I arrived at school I received the usual cold glares.
Madame Bustier walked in the class.
." Hello students. We have some new students attending," Miss. Bustier announced.
Then I saw the new kids come inside. I knew Luka and Kagami. But there was a new kid who I didn't know.

." I am Elsa Lindbeck. I'm from California. I love everything about music and story writing. I also am a gymnastic champion," the new girl explained.
She had chocolate brown hair with purple tips, blue ocean eyes and she was wearing a purple t-shirt and blue jeans.
I really had to warn her about Lila before she got trapped in Lila's web of lies.

Elsa's POV
I got a good look of everyone in class.
I had to be careful. I really didn't want the bullies get to me again.
I knew a few of those people.
Alya Cesair, she ran Ladyblog.
There at the back row I saw supermodel, Adrian Agrest.
." Okay, Elsa you can sit with Nathaniel.
Luka you can sit with Chloe. And Kagami, you can sit with Lila," Miss. Bustier said kindly.
." No thank you, I'd prefer to sit with Adrian and Marinette," Kagami said harshly and walked toward the back row.
A boy waved for me. I guess he was Nathaniel.
." Hey, you must be Nathaniel. I'm Elsa. Nice to meet you," I said friendly.
." Nice to meet you, too, Elsa," he said shyly.
I could hear that sausage haired girl was talking to that Alya girl.
." Lila, you're the best. You really can ask Ladybug for an interview?" Alya squealed.
." Of course, me and Ladybug are best friends," Lila girl replied sweetly.
." What?!" I whispered.
." Ladybug, she's the superheroine of Paris who saves Paris. She and Chat Noir are a team," Nathaniel explained.
." Yes, I know. Before I move here I did a research about the superheroes of Paris. But that girl, I think her name is Lila. She claimed to be best friends with Ladybug. Last time I checked, superheroes don't make friends with civilians, at least not in their hero forms. The enemy can use that against them," I explained.
Nathaniel stared at me shocked.
." I don't know. Something is off about her. I don't have good feelings about this," I said.
." You're speaking just like Mari_trash," Nathaniel scowled annoyed.
I was shocked.
." I don't know about French people but where I lived we don't call people trash," I argued.
." Well Marinette Dupain_Cheng, she's the biggest bully. She bullies sweet and innocent Lila because she's jelaus of her," Nathaniel said.
I rose an eyebrow." Jelaus of what?" I asked.
." Well Lila travels around the world and meets celebrities. Marinette claims that Lila is lying with no solid proof. Then she began to bully her. Even all there's evidence against her Mari_trash insists that Lila is the liar," Nathaniel said.
." Weird! Whatever is going on I'll get to the bottom of this," I thought.

A/N: Here's the new chapter. So what do you think about the new character, Elsa Lindbeck?
She's way smarter than those stupid classmates of Marinette.
But do you think she can see through Lila's stupid lies?

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