Chapter 5: A Sixteen Year Age Difference

Start from the beginning

"My parents were arguing again and I couldn't sleep. I wanted to talk to John, if that would be ok," I say. She smiles softly at me and nods, before turning and going back into the sitting room. I know exactly where John's room is, and climb the stairs as quietly as I can. If Henry Laurens is asleep, I certainly don't be the one to wake him up. God, I hate that enfoiré (fucker). I quietly knock on John's door when I reach it. I doubt he'll be awake, but I don't want to barge in on him. There's no response. I knock a little louder, and still nothing. I slowly open the door, peering in. He's sleeping. I creep inside and close the door behind me, slowly making my way over to his bed.

"John," I whisper, shaking his shoulder slightly. He stirs slightly, but doesn't wake up. I sit down on his bed and shake his side a little harder.

"John, wake up," I whisper a little louder. He stirs again and grunts, rolling over. Or, he tries to. He runs into my side and jolts awake. His wide, tired eyes land on me, and he relaxes.

"Jesus, Ana," he sighs, running his hands down his face. I bite my lip and look away from him. His bed creaks after a moment, and he wraps his arms around me.

"What's the matter?" he asks softly. I kick my boots off and lean into him, closing my eyes.

"My parents were fighting again, and I couldn't sleep. Probably because of the bombshell my mom decided to drop on me today," I sigh. He moves his arms and I shift my position to lean against his side.

"What did she...?" he asks, playing with the ends of my hair. I put my head on his shoulder and stare across the room at his wall.

"She's three months pregnant," I say. John pulls back to look at me. I look at my lap.

"She's what?" he asks, clearly shocked. I laugh dryly.

"That's what I said. I'm guessing the fight came from her telling him," I say. He sighs and wraps an arm around my shoulders, pulling me to him.

"I'm sorry, Ana," he mutters. I smile slightly and shrug.

"I guess I have always wanted a petit frère (little sibling)," I say. He chuckles a little.

"You have fun with that. I personally wouldn't recommend it. 3/10, would not deal with again," he says. I giggle softly, before we both go quiet. It's a comfortable silence, as it usually is with us. I can't remember a time when we weren't comfortable with each other. After a minute, he moves, propping up his pillows and moving his blankets so that I can nestle underneath them. I gratefully do so, and he puts an arm around me before laying down again. I lay my head on his chest, feeling safe and warm here.

"You want to keep talking?" he asks. I smile softly.

"I'll listen," I say. He chuckles and hums for a moment. Finally, he grins a wide, goofy grin.

"Francis and I went out again yesterday. It was really fun," he says. I giggle slightly, enjoying his lovestruck aura.

"Have you kissed yet, or do you still have half the blood in your body go to your face when he holds your hand?" I tease. He sputters and I giggle again.

"You really like him, don't you?" I ask softly. He sighs and nods.

"Yeah, I really do," he says. I smile, before yawning a little. He chuckles a little, tucking some hair behind my ear. I close my eyes.

"Keep talking, I'm just resting my eyes," I say. He kisses my forehead and hums.

"I can't wait to get out of this state," he says. I smile and nod slightly.

"Moi aussi mon amour (Me too, my love)," I mutter. His chest shakes in a silent chuckle.

"You and I are going to move somewhere. I don't care where, but we're going to get a place in some state that isn't South Carolina-"

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