Chapter 11 - Sports Festival Part 1

Start from the beginning

"Yeah, the heroic exam." Said the beauty again.

Bakugou got to the podium next to the heroine and started.

"Sensei. I'm gonna place first" he said that very calm

Y/n giggled as she heard everyone going beserk booing him.

"AH MAN, I KNEW HE WAS GONNA...!!" Y/n stopped her giggles and looked at the class 1-a and spotted her friends panicing, she got back to giggling and keep looking around until her e/c meet, gray and blue eyes, it was the gorgeous boy from the other day.

Y/n blushed hard but gave him an embarrassed smile and waved at him, he lightly tilted his head but gave her the cold shoulder and got back to looking forward.

"You'll all make fantastic stepping stones. I'm sure."

Her attention was back to the ash blond hedgehog, she thought his angry face and his attitude were extremely funny.

He calmly walked back to his place as everyone shouted at him.

Everyone's attention got back to Midnight as she started to explain.

"All right, with that we can move directly onto our first event!"

An gigantic screen appeared as Midnight was talking.

"Onto the "preliminaries," as they're called! Lots of the folk end up choking on their tears here every year!!"

In the screen some names were shuffled.

"And this year's first round of destiny is... THIS!!!"

The screen showed in big words "Obstacle race"

"Hey toshi... be sure to keep yourself from 40th up, I have a bad feeling about this..." she looked back at him worried

He chuckled and petted her head "you too, don't stay too close or I'm gonna get distracted"

She nodded "See you in the finish line!"

They went their separated ways to the start line, she decided to stay in the middle.

'Big bro... let me be your shadow!' She smiled determined to win.





Y/n didn't even started to try passing through the others when she saw the ice coming from the half n half boy that was in the front she jumped on someone's shoulder evading the ice that now covered the floor and got some people stuck.

'This is... the first filter!' She keep stepping on people's shoulders and heads. "Sorry!" She got out off the confusion and started ice skating right behind the gorgeous boy.


'Mic I really liked you before this'

"STOP DRAWING ATTENTION TO ME!" She screamed while keeping a good distance from the boy just to be sure that it was safe.


A gigantic explosion came from behind, she didn't looked back, but she could still hear the voices complaining about the pretty boy.

The h/c haired girl started going more slower to keep her  energy for later, making others being able to surpass her she saw the exact moment that the boy with grapes on his head was punched by a gigantic robot in front of her.

'I remember when Toshi, kiri and yami told me about them... they really are gigantic....' she gulped but didn't stopped running, everything in her body was telling her to run but... 'I have to do it! For big brother... I can do it!'

Two long feathers came to her s/c hands and turned into a sharp katana like sword, the feather was black in the base and golden by the tip.

In the front a few people were closer to the robots when you heard Mic's voice.


'THEY ARE SO HUGE!' She was so fucking frightened, but stood a brave face, she knew he would watch it later.

The e/c eyed girl saw everyone stop before arriving on the front of the 0 pointers, but she didn't, her feets got speed and she used the pretty boy as leverage to jump with both sword one in each hand.

Her foots steped on his shoulders, she used so much force to jump that he got launched back, while she cut her way through the chest of the zero pointer.

She fell on the ground kinda clumsy but didn't fell so it was still a win, not even looking back she got back to running at good pace.

The pretty boy had fell on his butt, but recovered fast letting the robots fall in the others way, he fot back to running determined to get the first place back.

After running a little he could catch up on her surprisingly easy.

With a sword in each hand she looked at him and smiled "Hi again!"

"You aren't gonna win this, I'm going to win no matter what" he didn't spared her a single glance.

"Okay but... why are you so sad?"

He tripped on nothing but recovered quickly "what are you talking about?" He looked at her curiously.

"I never saw spmeone be so sad and so angry at the same time... you can surpadd me if you want, I don't want the first place I just want to pass to the next trial"

He looked surprised at her. "Why?"

"I don't really care for the first place... but you do so go on! I will encounter you at the finish line!" She got behind him and gave him a little push.

That was enough to get his head in the track and he run for it while she happily stood back.


1487 words

Love y all.❤


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