Chapter 20

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The sky is dark and clouds are gone. Stars scatter the sky making it look absolutely beautiful outside.

It has been about 2 weeks since Sapphire has seen Eret.

(I know Hiccup leaves the same day after the second run in with Eret but that part (him leaving) will happen soon).

After the encounter with Hiccup and Astrid, she went back and explained how she knew them. Also her secret about how she helps to free dragons.

After the mess Eret was pissed and demanded that Sapphire leave.

"I can't believe this entire time you were lying to me! I've been nothing but honest and this is what I get. I trusted you Sapphire and love you but...I think it's best if you just leave. Give me some time."

Sapphire nears Eret's fort and nearly falls off Darkmoon as she takes in the sight that she sees.

"Hide," she whispers to Darkmoon. Darkmoon instantly becmes invincible and lands.

Sapphire hops off her dragon, shoos her away then hides behind a large cart carrying some weapons.

She listens.

"I trusted her. I really did. I told her everything and she then backstabs me. She recues dragons. I guess she.didn't care about me," Eret says.

Sapphire peers to the left trying to see who he is talking to. She almost gives herslef up when she sees Eret with another girl.

This girl has black hair that frames her face braided and placed over her right shoulder. She is wearing a gray greenish shirt underneath a dress and leathet vest. She wears brown pants and brown boots with fur in them and she has leather armbands.

Sapphire couldn't see any.of her physical features due to the angle she is at.

"Well someone like that certainly doesn't deserve someone as sweet as you. Didn't she have a dragon of her own anyways?," the girl replies.

"How did you know she had a dragon?," Eret questions.

"Oh. You told me. Remember?"

"I guess."

"Do you miss her?"

"Of course. I've known her since we were kids. But then she "died". I wonder why she changed?," Eret confesses.

"Sometime things aren't what they appear."

"I can't believe I trusted her. I really did," Eret laughs. "Now I feel like I can't trust anyone."

"Sure seems to trust her, to complain about me."

"You trust me? Right?," the girl wonders.

Eret stares at her for a moment. Then he makes up his mind. "I guess I do. I do."

The girl smiles and places a.hand over his.

Sapphire really just wants to rip the girl limb from limb.

"I would never hurt you, Eret. I...I like you," she admits.

"Don't say it. Don't say it," Sapphire repeats in her head.

"I like you, too."

A small smiles plays over the mystery girl's lips. Then she leans in and kisses Eret. For a second, Eret is aback then begins to kiss her back.

Sapphire stunted into utter silence. She doesn't move. She doesn't breathe. Her heart slows and then suddenly she feels like it's breaking.

Those emotions turn into jealously then into anger. Pure hatred and anger.

"Moving on so soon?," she says revealing herslef. 

Eret breaks the kiss and looks to Sapphire completely embarrassed.

"Sapphire! I-"

"Save it. You made yourself perfectly clear." She gestures to the girl next her who turns to face Sapphire.

Sapphire almost faints as she sees who it is but quickly dismisses.

The girl smirks from behind Eret, also remembering Sapphire.

"Sapphire. I'm sorry. It just happened. I was upset-"

"You don't have to explain. I heard everything. I know I abused your trust. To be honest I don't care."

"Y-you don't care? What the hell is that suppose to mean!," Eret screams.

"It means screw you. I. Don't. Care. Do I have to spell it out? You were just a distraction. A distraction I.needed to get rid of. It's nice your little 'fling' did for me."

At the word 'fling' both Eret and the girl get pissed. But Sapphire just ignored their anger.

"What happened to you? What has he done?," Eret asks.

"He's done everything. I appreciate everything he has done. I like this life."

Eret is stunned into silence.

His Sapphire is gone. She really is dead. He doesn't even know who this Sapphire is standing before him.

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