Chapter 9

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Sapphire quietly gets out of bed and creeps downstairs. She tries not to wake up Hiccup, who is asleep on the couch with Toothless next to him fast asleep.

Hiccup suggested to Sapphire that she can stay at his house, but not before he asked Astrid. Astrid was okay with it, but secretly she wasn't.

Sapphire exits the house and grabs the saddle for Darkmoon. She saunters over to her hybrid friend, who immediately awakes at the sound of famaliar footsteps.

"Hey, Darkmoon. What do say we go visit someone?" Darkmoon grunts and Sapphire saddles her dragon up. She scampers up her back and Darkmoon silently ascends into the air.

The duo fly from Berk at a steadily pace. They examine the luminous moon above them. The dark skies are clear and millions of stars are out. The amazement of the sights that she is seeing takes her breath away.

"I've been flying for so long, but this amazing. A spectular view."

Darkmon hums feeling Sappire emotions.

They scan the ocean waters until Sapphire spies a very famaliar ship. She lands on the ship without jostling it. Darkmoon flies off in the night sky, knowing that her best friend will whistle for her.

Sapphire scans the boat around her. It's quiet, except for the growling and grumbling of the trapped dragons. She decides to practice some combat moves, since she needed the practice and is bored.

"Whoa! Easy!," Eret exclaims. Sapphire's axe is pointed against his flesh, dangerously hovering above an artery. Eret raises his hands to show that he "surrenders".

"You should know not to ever sneak up on me. It's a suicide mission."

"Cut me some slack. It has been a while," Eret tries to reason.

"Hmm...nah," Sapphire answers.

"What are you doing here, anyways?"

"Oh, so you want me to leave?," she questions turning away.

"No! Uh...I-"

Sapphire turns back to Eret with a playful smile on her lips. She raises her eyebrows wanting an answer.

"Its...just been a while. I haven't seen you two weeks is all," Eret confesses. Sapphire cocks her head to one side, letting her long black hair fall over her shoulders.

"You missed me?"

"Of course, I did."

"Whyy?," she asks.

"Uh...well...because...uh...," Eret stammers unsure of how to answer this question."I just did."

Sapphire nods and twirls her axe in her hands.

"You're still really good," Eret comments.

"Thanks. How about you? You still suck, like you use to 11 years ago?"

"Come and find out," Eret taunts.

The two go into a determined yet playful battle.

Eret wields his sword, while Sapphire wields her axe. She dodges all Eret's attacks with ease. She catches him off guard almost hitting his head, but luckily Eret blocks the attack in time. Sapphire punches Eret in the stomach, but he doesn't fall over like she expects him to.

"Rock hard abs," she thinks to herself.

Their weapons collide and they each try to push against the other. Their hands intertwine and both gaze into each others eyes.

Eret takes this distraction to his advantage. He exerts enough force against Sapphire's axe, to where she stumbles and falls dropping her weapon beside her. Eret points his sword at her throat and smiles.

"Good. But not good enough," Sapphire states.

With such quick speed that Eret didn't even know that she possessed, his sword is knocked out of his grasp and Sapphire's axe is at his throat with her on top of him.

They both breath heavily as they stare in each other's eyes. Sapphire laughs and helps Eret to his feet.

"Not bad. But you still suck."

"I do not. You...just caught me all."

"Keep telling yourself that," Sapphire teases.

Eret and Sapphire sit down and talk about what the other has done recently.

"I caught three Scauldrons and a feisty Rumblehorn. Almost killed me wrangling with the Rumblehorn."

Sapphire giggles to herself.

"Oh how, I want to tell you that dragons are kind and wonderful beasts."

"What about you?," Eret queations curiously.

"I ran away from home," Sapphire answers nonchalantly.

"What?! Why?!"

"My mom found out that was seeing you. I said some terrible things to her; that I regret. She also took Darkmoon and kept me on house arrest," she explains.

"Sorry to hear that."

Sapphire shrugs like it's no big deal, when really to her it is.

"I should go."


Sapphire and Eret get up and Sapphire whistles for Darkmoon. Her dragons lands on the boat waiting for her rider.

"Ow! What the hell? What was that for?," Sapphire shouts.

"That was foralmost killing me," Eret answers.

"Hey. You snuck up on me. You should have-"

Sapphire is silent as Eret grabs her by the waist and passionatelly kisses her. At first she is too shocked to respond, but slowly the shocks wears offf and she kisses him back.

They couple break apart to catch they're breathes.

"What was that for?," Sapphire whispers.

"That was everything else. Plus I didn't get a chance to do it 11 years ago," Eret responds.

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