Chapter 18

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"Have you seen Darkmoon?," Sapphire asks Snoutlout.

"No. But have seen the sunset? If not, would you like to?"

Sapphire felt het lunch coming up at Snoutlout's suggetion. She forced it back down and a shiver traveled through her.

The day after she naf Darkmoon arrived on Berk, Snoutlout has been asking her out.

Even Hookfang was trying Darkmoon's attention. Which never works.

Sapphire glared at the viking man and punched him in the stomach. Snoutlout doubles over in pain and Sapphire just walks away shaking her head.

"Where are you Darkmoon?"

It has been a three days since the dragons left and Darkmoon went with them. Which is strange.

"Whoa! Hey," Hiccup says.

"Oh. Hey. Sorry," Sapphire responds.

"Are you okay?"

"Have seen Darkmoon, anywhere?"

"Don't you remember seeing het flying off with the dragons?," Hiccup questions.

Sapphire nods. "It' strange."

"Why?," Hiccup shrugs.

Sapphire rolls her annoyed.

"Because Darkmoon never leaves during the mating season. She never has."

Hiccup finds ths odd that a dragon wouldn't leave during the mating season. ALL dragons leave during the mating season.

"Why doesn't she leave?"

"I don't know. My mom and I thought it was because she wouldn't know whete to go-"

"But shouldn't instincts take over. Or she could follow the other dragons."

Sapphire glares at Hiccup for interrupting her.

"Sorry," he apologizes. He gestures for her to continue.

"We don't know why she doesn't leave. I  like think that Darkmoon doesn't want to mate with any dragon. She rather stay close to me."

"Then why did she leave?," Hiccup ponders.

"I wish I knew. I'm worried that something bad might happen to her."


Darkmoon scans the nearby islands. Notuing. She has flown over them countless times and she hasn't spotted it.

She tries Lava-lout Island again. Landing with silently she scouts the island. It has to be here. She saw it fall right on this island.

She looks behind bushes and  under rocks. Nothing.Darkmoon growls to herself.

She has to find it.

As she turns to leave a reflection shines across her face. She inches closer and lets out a joyous roar.


"The dragons are coming back. Are you excited?," Astrid asks Sapphire.

Sapphire turns to her amd gives her small smile even though her eyes are saying something totally different.

All of Berk waits patiently.for the arrival of their scaly reptilian friends. Sapphire can feel the excitement and anticipation in the air.

Soon everyone turns their attention to the skies as dark shadowy figures begin to form. And then roars.

"They're back!," one male viking yells.

"The dragons are home!," a female viking shouts with tears in her eyes. Notna moment later she is being to licked death by a lovable Gronckle.

One by one the dragons land and find their best friends.

Sapphire doesn't care about all that. She keeps her eyes glued to the skies waiting her giant to dragon to land before her.

The cold chilly air blows, vikings begin shivering n the frosty air. Someone yells for everyone to go to the Great Hall but Sapphire is unaware. She stays frozen keeping her eyes open for Darkmoon.

"What if she's never coming back," Sapphire thinks.

Tears begin to well in her eyes but refuses to let them fall. No tears. No tears.

Something warm and scaly presses against Sapphire's hand and begins to think that it is Darkmoon sneaking up on her, but when she looks down she frowns.

"Hey Toothless."


"You haven't seen her have you?"

The Night Fury shakes head and Sapphire sighs.

"It's cold out. You should be.inside."

"I'm not leaving," Sapphire answers knowing who it is.

"You will get sick."

Sapphire shrugs.

"Sapphire I know how you feel. Toothless did the same thing and I worried about him. But he came back. So will Darkmoon."

Sapphire sighs sadly and faces Hiccup.

"Even I know Darkmoon wouldn't want you getting sick."

"Whatever Fishbone."

Once they enter the Great Hall Sapphire's heart sinks.


Dragons everywhere.

And not one of them is hers.

"Hey Sapphire?," Ruff says.

"Leave me alone."

"Sapphire?," Tuff says.

"Leave me alone."

"Sapphire!," Astrid yells.

"I said leave me a-"

"DARKMOON!," she yells.

Sapphire pushes past the crowd of vikings and runs towarss her dragon.

She slams right into the hybrid's hard body hugging her. Darkmoon purrs feeling the love pour her.

Sapphire breaks the hug and angrily looks up at her dragon.

"Don't ever run away again! You scared me! You had me worried! Where did you even go!," Sapphire shouts.

Darkmoon opens her mouth and spits an object into her rider's hands.

Sapphire ignores the "ewws" coming fron all around her and stares at the object In her hands.

"My mother's necklace," she whispers.

Sapphire's birthmother gave her a  leather necklace with dragon pendant on it when she was about 5 years old. She never takes it off and recently she lost it.

"Thank you girl."

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