Doin' Something BAD

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Told ya

The dark start glinted in the moonlight and the soft nightly wind blew my long black hair into my face. I stood up and glanced around. Nothing. Just some random junk on the concrete floor of the alleyway. I put on my purple mask. Black dragon wings sprouted out from my back and my form started to glow a soft dark purple. I waved my hand at an on passing car and it emitted a light purple and swerved off the road. I flapped my large wings and ascended into the crisp night sky, as police sirens blared, and cars started to gather around the accident. Villains are supposed to keep the balance between good and evil. I was supposed to come into the world to cleanse the weak and support the strong. Until the meddling heroes came. Always ruining my plans. Can't you see I am helping this miserable world? Suddenly, a large orange tiger shot towards me. I dodged it easily and spotted the other two heroes running towards me on the ground. I sighed. The Creature Crew has come to ruin my plans once again. I shot a beam of purple light towards Speedstrike. He dodges it and turned around, pinning me to a building. I struggle against his grasp while a monkey uses their flexible limbs to tie myself together. I just looked at them and smiled cruelly.

"You can never catch me," I said while purple mist surrounds me, and I appear in a dark dusty room. 

In front of me was a glass case, reflecting the moonlight off its surface. With a swipe of my hand, the glass shattered into a million pieces and the necklace protected inside lay exposed. I yanked the precious piece of jewellery and ran back to the apartment. I took off my mask and stepped inside. My wings disappeared and so did my deathly aura. It was deathly silent, but I knew that everyone was asleep at this hour. Or I hoped so. I sat on the couch and turned on the TV. The first thing that came up was the nighty live news. 

"Moonshade has now attacked Lexdon town and has stolen the valuable topaz necklace!" The female news reporter exclaimed. "Luckily, the heroes are here to fix this problem right away!"

I rolled my eyes. Those pathetic heroes. I grasped the necklace in my hand tighter until my knuckles turned white. Eventually, I fell asleep on the couch, dreaming of plots and plans of future attacks...


(Word Count: 421)

Under the MaskOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora