Only Sally Knows chapter 4

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I sighed as I sat down in my desk, Biology wouldn't be as bad if I didn't sit next to Blade. Blade's a senior taking freshman and sophomore classes. It's pretty easy to tell he won't be graduating this year.

"Yo Sal!" Blade yelled.

"What?" I asked looking at the clock. Class hadn't even started yet and I'm already counting down the minuets.

"So I heard you've been having sex with Nate. No wonder the boy keeps sticking around you! Free sex! It makes so much since now. But why the hell would you have sex with Max?" Wow. I mean I know Blade is dumber than a sack of rocks, his grades can prove that, but for him to believe these petty rumors is ridiculous.

"First off I've never had sex with Nate. He's like my best friend. And second...who the hell is Max!?" I said to loud, a few kids turned around, they didn't say anything, they just stared. I really wish the bell would ring so class could start already.

"Oh c'mon! I saw Nate chasing him this morning, he must not want to share his sex buddy."

I was about to smack Blade for the sex buddy comment when I realized who Max was. The jerk who pushed my off the bus, and yelled at me in History this morning.

 " Him? I haven't even met him till this morning."

 "Ohhh...dang Sal you work fast!" Blade then made some kind of sexual motion with his body, I wasn't really paying attention because the bell had finally rang and Mr. Ferry had walked into class.

"Okay class settle down. Since the principle forgot to mention some things in the morning announcements, I'll just have to tell you them."

I sank lower in my chair, I was so tired, and I was, surprising worried about what Tiffany had planned for me. Not that I let that show.

 "Okay, first off their's pizza for lunch today." Hmm a little late for that annocenment isn't it?

"Second volleyball and basketball try-outs are next Tuesday, after school from four to six." A few guys and girl cheered, my stomach went into a nervous knot, I'd be trying out in less than a week.

" And last, you all know Homecoming week is next week." The whole class went crazy with a few of the guys yelling

"Go Pretzels! Kick some...butt!" Yepp that's my school's mascot...a pretzel, scary right?

" Settle down! Since next week is Homecoming week the theme's will go as followed, Monday, Pj's day, Tuesday, Animal wear, Wednesday, California day, Thursday, 80's wear, and Friday Sprit day. Later that day will be the homecoming football game against Harlem, here from six to nine. Then Saturday the homecoming dance will take place here from six to midnight. School dress code will not apply all week so be creative!"

Great no school dress code, and a school full of sluts....yeah I'm sure they'll be creative. Alice, the girl from lunch raised her hand.

"Yes Alicia." Mr. Ferry said.

" What does, California day mean?"

 "Well it's a day wear you dress like your from California, weather that be swim suits or Hollywood clothes is your choice."

Swimsuits in the middle of October? I'd like to know who came up with this theme, whoever they are is a retard.

"Now that that's out of the way I'd like you to get out your books and turn to page 143." And that's when I zoned out for the rest of the hour.

When class finally ended I grabbed my homework and exited the classroom. The halls had a little more chatter in them, mostly about the excitement for homecoming, but their was still a strange quiet. I nearly screamed when Nate put his arm around me and began walking with me to our next class.

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