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Jazmine: we are volunteering to teach piano to rescue dogs

We grab our coffee and walked away from the couch.

Jazmine: it calms them

After that we all leave, and of course Katie forgot about Jack but I didn't.

Jazmine: Jack come on!

Jack comes over to me and he holds my hand and so does Lucas. Alexa stops me before we walk any farther.

Alexa: what if the doctor doesn't clear me for school?

Jazmine: hey, he will, don't overthink things but don't get too excited, just stay calm and just hope for the best

She smiles at me and Katie comes into the conversation.

Katie: but, uh, just in case

She crosses her fingers.

Alexa: you don't think I'll be cleared?

Katie: yeah, but just in case you don't

Alexa: you really don't think I'll be cleared

Alexa walks away and so do I leaving Katie clueless.

We got home and we went through the back running.

Alexa: take your shoes off, my mom will be home any second

We all do as she says and we pretended we stayed home all day. Me and Lucas were helping Jack with his lego plane and Alexa and Katie were on the coach pretending they took a nap. Lori came in and Alexa fake yawn.

Alexa: hey mom

Lori: honey, I am so sorry, I could not get out of work

Lori speed walks over to Alexa and kisses her forehead.

Lori: I hate missing your chemo, how did it go?

Alexa: it was fine, I...came straight home, took a nap, here I am

Lori put her hand on her hip and she looked like she wasn't convinced.

Lori: you came straight home?

Alexa: mom, we had an agreement, how can you even ask?

She looks down and sees her mocha she brought from Wired.

In love with my bestie///Lucas Mendoza: Alexa and KatieWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu