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"From now on, you shall be known as Cloudtail" Bluestar announced.
Swiftpaw stared at the white tom with shock. Cloudtail was too happy yo notice, but Swiftpaw was enraged by this decision by Bluestar. How could Bluestar make a apprentice a warrior because that cat didn't believe in StarClan? Swiftpaw had been a apprentice longer than him, so had Brightpaw and Thornpaw as well! Even Ashpaw and Fernpaw started their training at the same time as Cloudtail.
He knew that if he did a act of bravery, maybe Bluestar might reconsider making him a warrior, despite Longtail becoming a warrior. Then he had remembered the dogs that where at Snakerocks.If he killed those dogs, Bluestar couldn't refuse to make him a warrior then. But, those dogs would shred him to pieces if he went alone.  The other apprentices! He knew that if Brightpaw, Thornpaw, Ashpaw and Fernpaw came with him, the five of them could take on the dogs. But what if they hurt one of us? He thought, we would probably die if one of us got badly injured, even if we defeated the dogs.
There was only one cat in the clan that knew about cures and herbs. Cinderpelt, she could help us. But even with those complications sorted, the other apprentices and Cinderpelt needed to agree to come.
I will ask them tonight, he decided.


Swiftpaw sat on his bedding, and had gathered the apprentices in the apprentices den, whilst, he hoped, every other cat in the clan was sleeping.
"Bluestar will never make us apprentices, if we do not show a act of bravery." Swiftpaw began.
"How do you know?" Ashpaw asked in a low tone of voice. "I mean, she could make any of us apprentices at any time."
"But how long will that time be?" Swiftpaw asked at him, half snarling.
The grey tom stayed silent.
"The point is, Bluestar could make us warriors after the morning patrol tomorrow, right?"
The four other apprentices nodded.
"But the probability of that happening is low, and you all want to become warriors sooner than later, correct?"
The other four apprentices nodded again, this time Ashpaw muttered something under his breath, but Swiftpaw was too into his idea to care about Ashpaw's remarks.
"We can higher our chances of becoming warriors, by going and slaying the dogs at Snakerocks."
There was a long pause between the apprentices, until Ashpaw stopped the silence.
"But we will all die!" The grey tom's blue eyes where lit with fear.
"Not if we work together." Swiftpaw told the frightened apprentice.
"Suppose we do kill the dogs," Fernpaw said, "what if one of us gets severely injured, a injury that has to be treated at once?" The grey she-cat stared at the black and white tom, awaiting for a answer.
"Cinderpelt will come with us."
"You think she will, or do you know?" Thornpaw shot back at him.
"Keep it down," Swiftpaw snapped at the golden tom. "You don't want to wake the others up."
"Are you avoiding my question?" The blue-eyed warrior asked him, not in a accusing tone, but instead a calmer, quieter tone.
"No," Swiftpaw shot back, quietly, "I have to ask her. Are you coming or not?"
"I will come." Brightpaw, the white she-cat with blue-eyes and ginger patches.
Swiftpaw looked at the rest of the apprentices, awaiting a answer.
"Only if Cinderpelt is coming." Fernpaw said sternly.
Thornpaw and Ashpaw nodded in agreement with Fernpaw.
"Fine," Swiftpaw sighed, "I will ask her now, and I will come back to tell you if she is coming or not."
Brightpaw insisted to come with Swiftpaw, and they went to the medicine cats den together.
Cinderpelt was sleeping, and she looked quite comfortable.
"Cinderpelt!" Swiftpaw whispered harshly at the dark-grey she-cat.
Cinderpelt bolted awake, and glared at the two apprentices.
"Is something wrong?" She asked.
"We need you're help," Swiftpaw told the blue eyed she-cat, "We want to fight the dogs."
"Are you completely mouse-brained?" She stared at the black and white tom, "You'll die!"
"No," Swiftpaw said, "not if we work together."
"But there are only two of you."
"Thornpaw, Fernpaw, and Ashpaw will come with us." Swiftpaw looked hopefully at the medicine cat.
"Fine." She said, "but only because I want those dogs out of the forest forever."
Swiftpaw went back to the apprentices den, and told the three other apprentices that Cinderpelt was coming.
The three apprentices agreed to go with them to fight, and hopefully kill, the dogs.

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