Hisoka?.. No it's Sir!

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"It's time to wake up little mouse~"

Slowly opening my eyes to a peek through my lashes at a hard sculpted body. Biting my lip I rake my eyes up to a bed head headed manwith eyes so full of aw. The light showing off behind him made me backing for more.

"Liking the view?~" he playfully cocked his head leaning on his hand.

Blushing I said "good morning Hisoka".

His eyes rolled and shook his head, "you will call me Sir from now on little mouse~", gripping my hip close to him is sheer dominance made my skin crawl of excitement. I was still sore from our exchange of hot love making but it throbbed for more.

I looked down embraced for such thoughts even though only knowing this man less than 24 hours. His hand gripped my chin and lifted it to met his gaze. His gaze had it's own meaning " do as I say or you will be punished" . "Yes sir ", I spoke timidly.

He smirked at my voice and nodded. A knocked was heard at the door as he turned not smiling anymore.
His business face was on, he proceeded to get up in nothing but a sheet around his torso, every line was defined on his back as he stretched. Me being powerless to his looks had me weak from his demanding aura.

He opened the door to a dark haired woman in a maid outfit, she was maybe my height but with the heels maybe not, she was looking down as she held a plate with a round cover on it.

"Your breakfast Sir ",she spoke with a thick Russian accent. He leaned over putting his hand on the door frame.
" show me ~" , he demanded with a calm face. She blinked rapidly and nodded, taking his shaky hand to the lid top and pulling it off to show 2 waffles, eggs, sausage, and toast.

He made a face of decisions then turned to me propped up on the bed looking his way, " what do you think little mouse ? Is this a fitting breakfast for you?~".

I slowly nodded," Yes sir".
The maid looked up to meet my eyes, she looked so sad towards my way for some reason. Hisoka quickly pulled her in shutting the door loudly behind him.

His face was anything other than angry. The maid however put the food on the table stand and kneed on the floor next to the bed shuttering.

I looked confused at this situation.. Is she being punished? For what?

"Take your clothes off Trinity~", he spoke turning into a closet close to the bathroom disappearing into the darkness.

She silently sobbed as she undressed to her under wear which was a black lace corset with black heels. I began to worry when he came in with cuffs and a belt!

"Sir ple.... ",SLAP was heard from his hand colliding with Trinitys face.

"Turn around ~", he spoke with his fits balled up having his head cocked slightly back looked down at the poor girl.

She turned," hands Trinity ~".
She did so as he cuffed them in fuzzy back cuffs.

He looked my way and motioned me," Mei stand in front of Trinity ~", he said gripping the belt.

I removed myself from the bed with only the small of a sheet tied around my breasts.
I walked in front of her and she looked me in the eyes full of tears and fear.

"Now Trinity what did you do wrong?~", he asked stroking the leather on her back.

She trembled at the touch of the cold leather," I looked up into the room without permission".

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