Chapter 27 - Amanda

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I ride my second Honda car to the office. My new office "Clayton & co. PR management". It's one of the biggest PR companies in LA. They often handle some big corporations and lots of Hollywood stars. After all, this is Hollywood.

I went to HR and finished the form and whatever they needed for the new hire. After that, I go to my floor and wait for my new boss, Edith Chamberlain.

Edith comes 5 minutes after my arrival. She is in her 50s but she looks fresh with her hair perfectly black and her well maintained body.

"Amanda?" She asks me and I nod "yes Ms. Chamberlain"

She smiles. "You can call me Edith. We're not that formal here. Come with me to my office"

I nod and follow her. I like her and her friendly yet senior gesture already. She talks about my job and our latest project. Since I'm here to handle some accounts from a previous worker so she gives me all the data and asks me to learn about them. I take all the data and back to my seat.

Edith specialist in corporate PR, so all of the clients are corporates. I look at them, jot down some notes from my opinion.

At 10.35 am I come back to Edith's office. "Hi Edith. I already read about our clients' files. I have some ideas for them and I write it down in my notes. Can I send it to you?"

Edith smiles from her desk "sure, Amanda"

I nod and send it from my phone's email "done" I say.

Edith looks at her computer. "Okay, I'll check with this. Oh I send you this now" she clicks something. "Our latest client. He is in a bit of trouble. You can check on the details first and let me know what's on your mind"

"Okay" my phone ping with the email Edith just sent to me. I leave her office.

I go back to my seat and look at the email from my computer. They black out the name of the client. Sometimes it happened if the clients asked for confidentiality. I can see what's behind the blackout once I sign the NDA from the client. Even though I already signed one from the HR.

I exhale. I hate this kind of client. This person was a great person back then, suddenly everything turned upside down and his people couldn't hold on to him so they needed to call a PR company to help maintain their boss' appearance, especially with their new product that will launch in the near future.

I skim the details about the product. Their new product users involve lots of women. Somehow women will give a try to your product if they think the owner of the company is great, or a good husband/dad, gentleman, handsome. It's so subjective, right? But that's women.

So we need to maintain this troublemaker image so he can't mess up with this new product. Easily to call the source of his problem. He will be fine once he finishes his problem with that source. But... I can't say that to the client, can I?

So I write down my opinion to raise his image.

"Hi!" someone calls me. I look up. A woman from our team. "Um.. Felicity, right?"

"Yes, you want to have lunch together Amy?"

I freeze. No one called me Amy again. Back in Connecticut people called me Mandy. Looks like geography is a big factor to your nickname.

"Um.. sorry, should I call you Amanda?"

I clear my throat "no it's fine. Amy is fine" I give her my super friendly smile.

"Oh okay" she smiles. "You wanna have lunch with us?"


"Yeah, me and George and Peter. Peter is still meeting with the client outside. He will go straight to the restaurant.

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