Chapter 2: Part 2

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   Korain found himself in a location that he couldn't recognize. He looked around, the world pitch black. He could make out shadows of trees and bushes. Korain suddenly felt a sense of dread. He quickly looked around and suddenly jolted forwards in a sprint when he heard rustling, then crashing from somewhere in the trees behind him.

   The only sounds were the thud of his footsteps, his crazed heartbeat, his raspy breathing, and...

The low growling of a creature behind him.

   Korain didn't dare look back. His thoughts were filled with panic as he leapt over roots, stones, and shrubs. He shrieked as he flew over a cliff edge that he hadn't noticed in his terror, crashing into the trees and bushes below, whimpering and crying as the creature descended on him. Korain tried pulling himself to his feet, dragging himself forward in a last, desperate attempt to escape the beast, which he still hasn't even seen. He just knew it was big.

   Korain finally looked back and gasped in horror at what he saw. It was horrible, a wispy mass of blackened smoke. There were three enormous heads, each of which had numerous blueish green, glowing eyes, and thrice as many teeth, each one sharper than the blade of a kitchen knife. It made a gutterly, rumbling sound, reminding Korain of a horror movie monster that he had seen with his cousin a long time ago. He and the creature stared at each other for a few seconds until the demon opened one of its huge jaws and lunched for Korain, causing the boy to cry out in both defeat, and pure terror.


   Korain yelled out in fright, sitting up in his bed, sweat pouring down his face and all the rest of him. He panted heavily, looking around his dark room. He looked at his digital clock, reading out the time. "5:27... I might as well get up for school..." He shuddered, slowly getting up and ready for the school day.

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