Dog food

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Chae's POV

"Manju-ah,stay put okay?I'll go buy dog food for you."I patted the dog and left.

I walked to the nearest pet shop.As I step my foot into the store,my eyes immediately landed on the 'Dog Section'.A smile grew on my face as I saw the one I needed to buy.It is the last one too.I was about to take it when another hand grabbed it,our hands brushed against each other.

I looked over to see Yoongi looking back at me."Do you need it?"He asked.I need it for Manju but he took it first.A silent sigh escaped my lips as I shook my head.

"It's okay.."He nodded and went to the cashier.I left the store and immediately searched for another pet store nearby."Ah....What would Manju eat then.There aren't any nearby."I mumbled and suddenly a container was shown in front of me.I looked up to see Yoongi giving me the container of dog food.

"Take it.I heard you mumble that you don't have any for your dog."He said.I shook my head in denial."It's yours.You paid for it and what would your dog eat."

"It's okay.Besides there is some in the cupboard back at home.I needed to buy one so that it wouldn't run out."He shrugged.I was hesitant to take it but eventually I did.I don't want Manju to wait long and I wonder what he is doing right this exact moment.

"Thank you!I'll pay you back!"I said with a smile and rushed back to my apartment.


"Manju!Look what I go-"My eyes widen at what I was seeing.Feathers were flying around while Manju chewed onto the cushion on the couch.

"Manju I love you but WHAT IN THE WORLD DID YOU DO TO MY LIVING ROOM?"I ran to the kitchen to prepare Manju's dinner.I placed it on the ground and ran to the messed up room.


I fell onto my bed as beads of sweat trickle down my face.The feathers were out of reach and I ran like 100 laps around the house to catch each and every feather.Manju laid beside me and licked my hand.I chuckled and patted him."Aigoo~I can't stay mad at you though."I rub his back and by that position,both of us fell asleep.

Yoongi's POV

I looked into the cupboard to see three cans of dog food left.Holly would eat all those in a day.

I walked to the store and was about to take the last can when another was going to take it.Our hands brushed against each other and I eyed the female who the smooth textured hand belonged to.Chae?

"Do you need it?"I asked but she shook her head.

I went over to the cashier and paid for it.As I left,I noticed Chae standing at the side of the store while looking through her phone and mumbling.I pressed my lips and took out the can and held it in front of her."Take it.I heard you mumble that you don't have any for your dog."She looked up at me and shook her head.

"It's yours.You paid for it and what would your dog eat."

"It's okay.Besides there is some in the cupboard back at home.I needed to buy one so that it wouldn't run out."I shrugged.She was hesitant but took it.

"Thank you!I'll pay you back!"She said with a smile and rushed back.I chuckled at her retreating figure.She's cute when she smiles.

I felt bad again so I am writing again.


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