Ch1: Boston Creme

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It was an evening on the 18th of December. The Magnus Corporation had prepped their first volunteer, although the volunteer herself didn't understand what she really signed up for.

To the volunteer, Emily A., this was just a little side-job to help pay for her college, but the project was really a secret and highly illegal experiment on new biological weapons and methods.


Prototype 1, Subject 1. Duplicative properties test. Prototype 1 is contained within the cream of a standard boston cream donut. Subject 1 will enter Chamber 1, where prototype 1's vessel is contained and prepped for consumption. Subject 1 will be asked to consume the donut containing P1 and will move to Chamber 2 where equipment will monitor the subject for 3 hours or until termination of testing. At 30-60 minutes, antidote is to be issued. Once possible, Subject will be moved to Chamber 1 for recovery process.

11:13 PM. Testing is initiated. Subject is prepped with a custom high-elasticity fabric bodysuit.


Emily entered the room. Her black hair was tied up into a bun. In the center of the room was a wooden table with a single chair. In the corner was a platform with a mattress and blanket on it.
She was not informed about the nature of this experiment in the slightest, and found everything about it very peculiar. Special rooms and clothing, just to taste-test a normal donut. She wondered if they were testing whether she would get an allergic reaction against a new ingredient.

A British woman with a soft voice spoke through the intercom.

"Emily, please sit at the table."

Emily glanced at the camera before sitting down. In front of her was a plate with a single boston creme donut on it.

"Eat the donut when you're ready."

She carefully nibbled the donut until it was finished, not tasting anything different from a normal donut.

"Please follow the assistant outside to another room."

She got up and opened the door. Outside was a young man in a suit. He silently turned around and started walking down the hallway.

The door shut on its own as Emily followed the man through several conjoined hallways. Doors with numbered labels lined the hallway. Everything looked minimalistic.

Finally, the assistant stopped and used a key from his pocket to unlock a metallic door with a slight clang. He gestured to the room.

Emily nodded and walked through the door. She noticed a strange feeling in her stomach.

"Thank you." She quietly whispered as she walked by him, unsure if she was able to talk to him or not.

She was met with a small hallway, another door at the end of it. The room on the other end revealed itself as she walked up to the final door and opened it.

It was a very large room. The walls were paneled with a white material. On the opposite side of the door a large mirror was imbedded within the wall. She noticed several cameras on the ceiling of the room. Multiple cameras even stuck out of the wall.

In the center of the room was a large and fancy microphone in front of a metal chair. Just as she walked up to it, she heard the woman again.

"Hello Emily, you'll be in this room for a while as we monitor you. Please let us know if you feel anything unusual."

"Thank you." Emily replied. "I feel a bit weird, what was in that donut?"

She didn't hear any answer. She decided to just sit down and wait.

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