Ch2: Living Jello

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For several days, Emily had been receiving rare pieces of information while being kept in an uncomfortable room. Her body had slowly gone back to it's normal size, still hugged by the (thankfully) stretchy grey body suit they had given her.

But today was different. Emily had woken up to a loud noise, and as she stirred awake she saw three guards standing around her bed.

"Get up. You need to come with us."

God, she could NOT do this right now. She didn't say anything. She stared. She backed into the corner, like a scared animal.

"You need to come with us." One of them repeated. They edged closer to the bed.

"GO AWAY!" Emily said, tucking herself further into the corner. This was a mistake.

The guards, realizing that their efforts were fruitless, quickly descended upon Emily. They easily overpowered her and ziptied her arms behind her back. After that was done, they easily got her up and dragged her through the door, through the winding hallways, and into a room where they threw her. Surprisingly, however, they shut the door behind her. She was now alone in the room - but the wall in front of her felt "off". She stared at one of the cameras.

The same British woman that she had grown to hate came on the intercom again.

"Hello Emily. There will be no instructions for this test.
The wall will open up in a few dozen seconds. When it does, one of our.. experiments, will be sent into the room. Do not try to evade. Just interact with our experiment, and everything will be just fine. Thank you."

Emily continued to stare at the camera with malice. She heard whirring. Part of the wall below the camera began to collapse into itself - and then it rose upwards, revealing a black space.

Out of the space emerged *something*. It looked like jello, but.. it was arranged vaguely in the shape of a voluptuous and attractive woman. And it could WALK.

Emily couldn't even process what was happening as the THING walked up to her. It reached for her hand and grabbed it gently, bringing it upwards. It felt warmer than Emily thought, and really did feel like jello.

But then the grip tightened. It moved further down her arm, to her wrist. Before she realized it, her other arm was in the same predicament. She tried to pull away, but the jello had solidified.

The creature now looked up at her, a look on its face that she couldn't analyze. It pushed her to the wall, and wrapped more tendrils around her; she couldn't move her legs, her arms, or even her head. More tendrils emerged from the thing, this time making their way towards her openings.

One entered through her ass. It soaked through her jumpsuit, not even needing to rip the stretchy material. The second entered her mouth, and quickly down her throat.

Emily realized that both tendrils just kept coming. She was starting to feel like she had eaten a large meal, and she was filling up so fast that she could literally feel her stomach and intestines expanding to hold all the slime.

The creature raised her against the wall, still pinned in a "star" position. Although she was being filled by large amounts of slime, the creature didn't seem to shrink at all. In fact, it even seemed larger, now standing at eye-level with her raised above the ground.

She received no further communication from the English lady or anyone else from the company as she filled for minutes and minutes.  She could now, at this point, see her dome of a belly stick out past her modest breasts. She was at her limit, feeling utterly stuffed, when she felt the same strange feeling she felt on her first "test".

It was the feeling of fullness where it shouldn't be. It spread out across her body, and it built, until she finally felt the first hints of expansion hit her breasts and hips. The slime being pumped into Emily's body began to fill every inch; expansion spreading to her thighs and calves, and up to her arms.

She looked down at what she could, seeing her  breasts and abdomen swell, stretching the grey bodysuit, belly now reaching the proportions of a beach ball. She could feel her ass, hips, and legs, all filling up and spreading across the wall behind her as they pushed up against it.

The creature, with a considerable amount of effort, moved her from the wall to a sitting position on the floor. It was careful to maintain it's bindings, ensuring that Emily couldn't move a muscle as she was filled to the brim. 

Emily, being placed on the ground, was immediately forced to spread her legs wide. Her belly rested comfortably in-between her thighs, and was becoming so full that it even began to push her breasts towards her face.

The creature held her arms at her sides, but even they felt the impact of her belly as it's sides and her massive hips began to push at them. Emily was quickly becoming immobile. The creature put less and less effort into restraining her, focusing more on filling her. This allowed her to move her arms around, although her range of motion was very low - her arms were so swollen that bending them was becoming a difficulty.

The grey bodysuit, made of who knows what, finally began to rip. Her whale of a body majestically shredded her clothing to pieces, and as she saw the skin on the more swollen areas of her body, she realized that she had slowly adopted the color of the slime which had filled her. She was now, like the creature, becoming a light shade of green. Maybe there was so much in her that it just began to show through the skin? Or maybe it has just started absorbing into her body?

While Emily watched, unable to do anything else, the creature seemed to grow tired. It slowed down and retracted it's tendrils, retreating back into the wall container.

Emily was now left in the room, completely immobile. She was sat on her ginormous legs and hips, which spread out across the floor majestically. She couldn't even move her legs from the weight.

Stacked on top of her legs and ass was he gargantuan belly, which wrapped around her into bulging love handles that pushed her arms upwards. The bloated belly pushed her breasts towards her face; breasts that were so massive and globe-like that they obscured most of her vision. Her arms were so full that she couldn't bend her elbows, and her range of motion was very low, so trying to move them just caused a lot of jiggling.

Over the next couple of days, employees ran tests and took care of her. She didn't slowly go back to her original size like last time. Instead, when the employees were done with the tests, they brought in machines that extracted the slime she was filled with. It took a while, and employees ran tests on whatever they extracted too, but soon she was back to a relatively normal size.

She was finally able to return to her room. She was still quite full, resembling a moderately chubby woman, but they told her that they couldn't fully extract everything for her own safety. Luckily, they said that such a small amount should be able to be absorbed by her body with no difficulties. Until that slow process finishes, she'd have to deal with the addition to her body.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2021 ⏰

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