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Tony Stark
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After I left Steve's apartment I had to suck in all my emotions as per usual before speeding all the way to Shield headquarters. 

I screeched to a halt in front of the entrance before getting out and letting one of the agents park my car. I speed walked all the way inside muttering a sorry to anybody I accidently hit. 

As I was in the elevator I couldn't help but fiddle with the edges of my sleeves nervously. Fury has uncovered 5 rats in total who 'worked' in the headquarters. Luckily I didn't find any traitors in the tower including any bugs. 

As soon as the elevator doors opened I sped towards the conference room where Ross and Fury were waiting for me. 

As soon as they opened the door I snatched the folder rather aggressively out of Ross' hand. I saw the threatening glare that he sent which I deflected with a smirk, I could care less about the man.

I sat down not paying any attention to the two men sat across from me as my eyes scanned the folders of the 5 rats; Three females and two males. 

"Tony!" A voice called as the table shook from vibrations. I quickly looked up to see a basically fuming Ross. 

"What?" I asked receiving a look from Fury. "Oh, You want me apologize for being late?" I asked making Ross scoff before huffing. "Fury, talk to me." I say closing the file and sliding it back to Ross.

 "Five rats found, all in different divisions. Three females and two males." He stated as I nodded slowly. 

"I already know that Pirate, tell me something I don't know." I say making the dark skinned man eye me wearily before he started to speak.

"Since I found them from earlier today I have had Clint, Natasha, Rhodey, Sam, and Pietro trying to get something out of them, but they haven't said anything." He say making me sigh before I sat up in the chair clasping my hands together as I rest them on the table. 

"Have they used force yet?" I asked making the two nod in response. "Great, I'll be back." I hummed before leaving the room heading towards the holding cells in the basement.

 As soon as I got there the rooms they were in were being guarded, which is quiet normal for Shield. 

"Who's in here?" I asked the male who stood a little ways from the door. "Agent Romanoff, Sir." He say making me nod before I opened the door seeing Natasha chocking a male who was already bloodied and bruised. He has short blonde hair with green eyes and a mischievous smirk. 

"Nat." I stated making the female sigh before she released him making the man silently try to get air into his lungs. "Look," He said as he held his throat. 

"I already told you I don't know anything doll, why do you keep pressuring me?" He asked as Natasha rolled her eyes and turned towards me. 

"I swear to god if this man calls me doll one more time I will slit his throat." She threated making me chuckle. 

"Go get a cup of coffee or something, I'll take care of him." I say making the Widow nod before she left the room closing the door behind her.

"Stark," The man say receiving my full attention as he still sported that lopsided smirk. "Gotta say, I'm a big fan of yours." The male say as I sat down across from him. 

"That's good to know, so that means that you know what I can do, yes?" I say making the man nod. 

"I do, unless you got some tricks up your sleeve." He say making me smirk. "Tricks? No," I say before leaning on the table clasping my hands together. "Specialties, yes." I say as the man simply stared at me un moving. 

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