Forty nine

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Ashley's POV

I shake my head as I grab JJs hand. He places my arms around his neck. He gently places his hands on my waist as he pulls me closer to him. He starts swaying back and forth as a huge smile stays stuck on his face. He removes his hands from my waist and grabs my hand. He spins me away from him and then spins me back into his arms. Our faces were inches apart as we both took a deep breath. JJ learned into kiss me, our lips were inches apart but before our lips could meet I quickly spun away from him as I laughed. He playfully rolled his eyes as he placed his hands back on my waist and swayed back and forth.

"Kie." John B said softly as he grabbed her hand.

They danced beside us as we all laughed as we danced. I noticed Pope didn't have a dance partner so I quickly let go of JJs hand and walked back to the table. I reached my hand out towards Pope causing him to give me a confused look.

"I thought you were dancing with JJ." Pope says softly.

"Yeah I was....but now I want to dance with you." I say softly as I grab his hand.

I lead him over to where Kie and John B are and I wrap my arms around his neck. He nervously places his hands on my waist. I start swaying back and forth as I smile at him. JJ sits back down at the table and chugs his beer. Pope spins me away from him and then spins me back into his arms. He accidentally steps on my foot causing me to laugh loudly.

"I'm sorry." Pope mumbled as he made sure my foot was okay.

"It's fine." I reply softly.

I look over at JJ who was staring at me and Pope.

"I'm gonna finish eating. It was nice dancing with you." Pope says softly as he lets go of my hand.

I walked back over and sat across from JJ. He seemed tense as he stared at me.

"I don't see Pope as more than just a friend so chill out." I say playfully as I grab my beer.

A burning sensation enters my throat as I feel a warm sensation enter my body. JJ watches me as I chug the beer. He runs his hands through his hair was he smiles at me. He stands up and stands in front of my chair.

"Get on my back." He says softly as he bends down.

"JJ.." I reply softly.

"Come on! I won't drop you." He says back to me.

I sigh as I hop on his back. He grabs my legs and holds onto them tightly. He immediately starts running around the tables causing me to laugh. I feel the effects of the alcohol take over my body as I start cheering on JJ.

"Let's go! JJ! JJ!" I scream as he continues to run around the tables.

He laughs as he screams along with me as I laugh. He abruptly comes to a stop and sets me on top of an empty table. I sit down on the table as my legs dangle. He stands in between my legs and places a small kiss on my lips.

"I love your hair." I mumble as I run a hand through his blonde locks.

He just smiles as he watches me stare at his hair in amazement.

"I love your eyes." I whisper as I trace my fingers down his cheeks.

His eyes soften as he watched me carefully.

"You wanna get out of here?" He asked me softly.

I nod as he gently picks me up.

"Where are you guys going?" Kie asked us softly.

"Uh.... just for a walk." JJ mumbles as he quickly walks out the door.

"Where are we going?" I ask him as a laugh leaves my mouth.

"You will just have to see." He replies playfully causing me to groan.

He carries me back towards the beach.

"I don't want to swim." I complain as he carries me towards the beach.

"We aren't swimming." He says as he sets me down on the sand.

He lays down next to me and stares up at the sky.

"Come on lay down." He says softly as he nudges my arm.

I sigh as I lay down next to him and look up at the sky. The sky was filled with an endless amount of stars. I had never really taken the time to ever look up during the night. I stare up at all the stars illuminating the dark sky. I feel JJs eyes on me causing me to look over at him. He was staring at me with amazement in his eyes.

"The stars are up their genius!" I say playfully as I point upwards.

"The views down here." He says softly as he doesn't remove his eyes from me.

I look back up at the sky as I try and focus on the stars but my mind can only think of the boy beside me. I quickly turn to face him again as we lock eyes. His eyes glance down at my lips as he starts to slowly lean in. Our lips collide as he moves his lips against mine. He places his hand on my cheek as he deepens the kiss. He moves his body so he is now hovering above me as he keeps his lips locked on mine.

"I.." JJ tries to say but I interrupt him by continuing to kiss him.

He pulls away as he stares down at me.

"I have something I want to give you." He says softly as he reaches into his shorts pocket.

His face falls as he realizes his pocket is empty.

"Shit! I gave it to John B for safe keeping. Stay here, I'll be right back." JJ says as he quickly gets up and runs back towards the diner.

I shake my head as I watch him sprint away from me. I wonder what he is going to give me. I place my finger on my lips as I think about the kiss me and JJ just shared. I ran a hand through my hair as I thought about the way he looked at me. I heard loud clapping noise come from behind me.

"Shit JJ! You scared the crap out of me!" I yell as I look behind me.

My eyes land on Rafe sending chills through my body.

"I'm not JJ." He says playfully as he walks towards me.

I quickly stand up and fix my shirt as I glare at him.

"Leave." I say as I feel my voice crack.

"I'm sorry. I can't do that." Rafe says playfully as he walks closer to me.

I quickly step backwards but am immediately met by someone's body hitting mine. I turn around and see Kelce standing directly behind me.

"JJs coming back!" I yell as I feel my body shake.

"Isn't he looking for this." Rafe says cockily as he holds up a jewelry box.

Before I have time to react I feel something hard hit my head and darkness soon overtakes me.

😩 Uh nooooooo what's gonna happen to Ashley 🙈

Just Friends|JJ ~ outer banks Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt