A familiar voice

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Iduna's pov

After everything went black I
was awaken by a familiar voice that is calling my name. I guess the voice is......  Agnaar ??? But why it sounds more like a 14 years old boy. And now Agnaar is 42. Or am I dreaming ?
"Iduna, Are you alright ?" "Agnaar ?", I asked. But wait, am I in Arendelle's castle. Am I saved ?and did someone brought me here ?, But why Agnaar looks really young and the castle looks like old. "Am I dreaming ?", " Nope, you're not." he answered with a smile. "I know you had a secret which is never revealed until now and you never told me.", "What but howubh...?" He close my mouth with both of his hands.         " You don't need to be worry Iduna, Everything is fine."

Author's note
Well yes it's getting weird.

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